Liiketoiminnan kasvua vakuutussovelluksen tuotteistuksella
Project Summary:
RR Donnelley, a Fortune 500 company, is the world’s largest commercial printer. During the last decade, the company developed a number of applications to manage the life cycle of consumer-facing documents for insurance and healthcare customers. Some of the largest insurance companies in the world, such as Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Wellpoint, have been creating and managing documents for millions of consumers, taking advantage of on-demand printing services provided by RR Donnelley.
RR Donnelley wanted to productize its applications with the help of an experienced partner in the area of product life cycle management. By leveraging Altoros’s specialized software product development services, RR Donnelley was able to:
• Shorten time-to-market
• Focus on core business activities—marketing, sales, and product
management—while Altoros managed software design and
• Reduce Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
• Mitigate market and technology risks
• Improve cost structure
• Shorten time-to-market
• Focus on core business activities—marketing, sales, and product
management—while Altoros managed software design and
• Reduce Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
• Mitigate market and technology risks
• Improve cost structure
The Solution:
Altoros worked in close collaboration with RR Donnelley management and in-house technical teams to lay out product strategy, design, functional requirements, and test plans. Altoros screened, selected, and assigned a team of software engineers and a project manager who had prior experience in the insurance industry.
Altoros worked in close collaboration with RR Donnelley management and in-house technical teams to lay out product strategy, design, functional requirements, and test plans. Altoros screened, selected, and assigned a team of software engineers and a project manager who had prior experience in the insurance industry.
Technologies selected included Python, Java, JavaScript, and Perl. A significant effort was invested into low-level design of the product to ensure scalability and long-term low cost of maintenance.
The Outcome:
RR Donnelley was able to create an additional revenue channel and turn a number of major insurers into customers in a short period of time.
RR Donnelley was able to create an additional revenue channel and turn a number of major insurers into customers in a short period of time.
For more, please visit:
“Thank you for consistent and first-rate work and service.”
Frank Saaranen, VP-Technology Services
Referenssin infoboxi
Tilaaja: | RR Donnelley |
Ajankohta: | 2012 |
Toimittajan yhteyshenkilö: |
Ari Mutanen |
Asiakkuudenhallinta CRM | |
Markkinointi | |
Tuotekehitys ja suunnittelu |
Graafinen suunnittelu | |
Ketterät menetelmät | |
Ohjelmistokehitys | |
Webkehitys |
IT | |
Pankki ja vakuutus |
Linux | |
Oracle |
Tarjonnan tyyppi
Konsultointi | |
Toteutustyö |
Omat tagit
Altoros Finland - Asiantuntijat ja yhteyshenkilöt
Ari Mutanen
Sales, Business Development, Country Manager
I have been in business almost for three decades - first 10 years in technical development and consultancy tasks, then next 10 years in operational and leadership positions and .. | | +358505680532 |
Altoros Finland - Muita referenssejä
Altoros Finland - Muita bloggauksia
It- ja ohjelmistoalan työpaikat
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- Nordea - Technology Business Risk Manager
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