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Bluemix Day with IBM and Altoros

BloggausHow to take great ideas into implementation? Let’s find out in our whole day Bluemix event, focusing on both technical and business side of the process!

Today, the volume of data is growing exponentially, and only a small portion is being utilized. At the same time, application life cycle is shortening. When this environment becomes increasingly rapid and dynamic, the key role will be reserved for the speed and ease of use of the development environment, supported by pay-per-use pricing. It is simply great when things can be done efficiently, and users have the option to choose what services are needed in the system at that time. Couple of clicks and we are ready to code!

IBM's business partner Altoros also shares best practice stories about the projects they have taken and how these solutions are co-designed together with customers. The discussions and trends repeatedly refer to the change in business models and transition in needs of customers. Also client cases will be shared from different industries; What were the objectives of the customer, how these were implemented and how the new solutions have been introduced – as well as what has been learned from these.

How easy it is then to turn an idea into an application?

The afternoon is devoted to practical exercises, where you can try out by yourself how easy and effortless application building can be with our examples. The focus of the exercises is to handle and analyze different forms (text, audio) of customer feedback data.

Welcome to Bluemix!

Time: Tuesday 31.5.2016 at 8.30-15
Location: The IBM office building, Laajalahdentie 23, Helsinki (parking at Tietokuja 2)

8:30 Registration and breakfast
9.00 Welcome words
9.10 Bluemix basics - Kimmo Kaskikallio, IBM Finland
10.50 Practical examples - Ari Mutanen, Altoros, IBM partner
11.30 Lunch & Discussion
12.30 Bluemix Hands-on exercises
15.00 Event ends

You will need to bring your own computer. The event is partly in English.

Sign up immediately or no later than 24.5.2016 by e-mail: tea.suuronen@fi.ibm.com

Further information about the event is given by Tea Suuronen (Tea.Suuronen@fi.ibm.com, tel. 0404893253)

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