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One of Norway’s largest service and trading companies saves huge amount of work effort with a leading document management solution

Referenssi Bertel O. Steen (later abbreviated BOS) is one of Norway’s largest service and trading companies that imports and resells Kia, Peugeot, Citroen and Mercedes Benz cars. 2011 the company had 2 660 man-years and operating revenues of 1,27 billion euros.

As much as eight full-time equivalent (FTE) of work will be saved.

Business challenge

BOS needs to improve their service by making use of company documents more agile. These documents include for example service orders, sales contracts and pictures. The company needs to save time and increase quality. The company has great amount of documents they need to handle and archive manually, explains Øyvind Hirsch, Head of Operation at BOS.

Solution and technology

Elinar created a solution to meet this business challenge based on leading IBM enterprise content management technology. BOS uses IBM Datacap to capture documents on-premise as they are generated or received. Documents are automatically filed into IBM Content Foundation based on automatically extracted metadata. IBM Content Navigator is used to retrieve archived documents with easy-to-use end-user experience that requires no or very little end-user training.

BOS saves time in scanning documents and employees are able to find the information later with better quality. As much as eight full-time equivalent (FTE) of work will be saved when the phase one of the solution is fully complete. Besides work time savings the solution will allow more responsive customer service and higher performance of overall processes.


We save time in scanning documents and find the information later with better quality.

Øyvind Hirsch, Head of Operation, Bertel O. Steen


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