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Miradore Online Acquires Certification from an Information Security Audit

BloggausCloud based services, such as Miradore Online, can provide significant cost savings and operational benefits. But alike everything connected to Internet, also cloud services are not without risks. One of the main concerns in cloud computing is the information security. How the cloud service has been implemented and how, for example, the risks in data security, access control and network security have been mitigated.

When developing Miradore Online, we take security very seriously. Ensuring security is part of every development action we make. It is essential to understand the interplay of our application code and the technological components we use to run our cloud service.

To further ensure the high security level of Miradore Online service, we recently ordered an information security audit from an external auditor. Security auditors have the knowledge, skills and tools to test the service and dig out even the smallest of security risks. This audit was ordered from Second Nature Security Oy, a Finnish company specialized in information security. The audit is part of information security certification program promoted by The Finnish Software Entrepreneurs Association.

The five-day security audit used both manual and automated methods to test Miradore Online against audit criteria (PDF). During the first audit round, the auditors were able to detect few security issues which we needed to solve. It was great to notice that even though we have put all that effort in Miradore Online application security, an external auditor was still able to point out things to improve. After we had implemented fixes for the first audit round findings, the audit was repeated to verify that no issues were left unhandled. Miradore Online passed the second round without any findings and thus we are now happy to announce that Miradore Online has earned Finnish Software Entrepreneurs Association’s certificate for web application security. The certificate was issued on April 23 and is valid for one year before it requires a new audit.

The Finnish Software Entrepreneurs Association is an independent software entrepreneurs’ association representing over 600 Finnish companies. It works to improve the software business and related decision making, research and training in Finland. For more information about the certification program, click through.

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