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Tyler Technologies improves deployments and delivers cost savings with flexible MDM licensing

ReferenssiTyler Technologies provides software and services for all types of government purposes. The search for a mobile device management solution led them to an alliance with Miradore.

When evaluating options for mobile device management, Brian McGonagill, Product Manager for Incode Public Safety of Tyler Technologies, discovered Miradore. McGonagill’s division focuses on software for public safety, which includes law enforcement, fire and emergency medical services.

We were searching for simple mobile device management solutions for our law enforcement and safety offering, both for our clients to control their devices, and for us to use for application deployment. Miradore provides that for us,” McGonagill explains.

Miradore offers a flexible licensing model

When choosing a mobile device management provider, one of the key considerations was licensing. Miradore offers a flexible model that Tyler Technologies can adjust to meet their current needs.

“Other vendors wanted you to buy licenses and badges, whereas Miradore offered the opportunity to buy licenses for just what we needed,
” notes McGonagill.

The partnership with Miradore has improved deployments, reduced the number of support calls, and delivered cost savings to clients and Tyler Technologies. McGonagill is especially pleased with the usability of the system.

Miradore really stands out when it comes to ease of use. I can easily show the clients how to utilize the system that controls their devices,” he adds.

The customer service is top-notch

McGonagill is satisfied with the overall user experience, and the company has always received customer service and support from Miradore when needed.

The customer service is top-notch. Any time I’ve had a question I’ve got an answer in less than an hour. It’s just impressive to get that kind of quality of service from a vendor these days,” McGonagill concludes.

This Customer Success Story was produced in cooperation with Suomen Asiakaskokemukset Oy.


“The customer service is top-notch. Any time I’ve had a question I’ve got an answer in less than an hour. It’s just impressive to get that kind of quality of service from a vendor these days."

Brian McGonagill, Product Manager for Incode Public Safety of Tyler Technologies

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