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YoungCapital saves 200 hours annually on setting up employees’ iPhones

ReferenssiYoungCapital is an innovator in the field of recruitment for entry- and junior-level talent. Started in 2000 as Studentenwerk (internationally, StudentJob), YoungCapital is now one of the largest recruitment technology firms in Europe and has received several awards, most recently the Award for Best Employer 2017/2018. YoungCapital uses a blend of proprietary technologies and social collaboration platforms to deliver efficiency and satisfaction to both candidates and employers in the recruitment process.

The challenge

YoungCapital employs over 1,000 individuals – each of whom receives a brand-new phone upon starting with the company. Employees must be able to access Google’s G Suite cloud-based collaboration and productivity apps, including Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Drive, and Hangouts. All company data is stored in G Suite.

Before, everyone wanted a car,” jokes Remon Van der Doorn, a project manager in the IT department at YoungCapital, who collaborated with Miradore on this case study. “Now the new employees want the most current smartphone.

YoungCapital realized it needed a solution because administration of all of the devices manually was becoming a huge effort and was error-prone. Some employees were also changing sim cards, and there was no complete knowledge of the phone’s ownership or whereabouts.

The solution

CIO John Muller found Miradore via a Google search and was contacted within one hour.

We contacted customer support though the online chat function and in one hour, everything was setup,” recalls Van der Doorn. “With other companies, we have to wait for weeks.

Besides the rapid contact and response, YoungCapital found Miradore easy to use, and the pricing was attractive. YoungCapital is currently using Miradore Online’s Enterprise Plan.

We were also impressed by the way the console worked,” adds Van der Doorn. “Other products looked old-fashioned.

YoungCapital noticed immediate benefits, and was also in need of a product to handle the forthcoming GDPR data regulations.

Today, YoungCapital uses Miradore for

  • Apple DEP (Device Enrollment Program)
  • Automating apps and configuring deployments with business policies
  • Pushing apps and configurations
  • Enforcing passcodes
  • Deploying WiFi settings
  • Integrating Miradore into their Service Desk software (using Miradore API)
YoungCapital gains direct cost savings

YoungCapital buys more than 400 phones annually. By using Apple’s DEP and Miradore Online, the employee’s new phone is already set up out of the box – saving about 30 minutes of set up time with zero errors.

In addition to these direct savings, according to Van der Doorn, about 5 devices are lost every month; two are found and the others are wiped remotely.

Our workforce is growing exponentially throughout Europe,” adds Van der Doorn, “and we want to be sure we meet their technology needs in a cost-effective manner.

Miradore is pleased to enable and support YoungCapital’s growing workforce. Facilitating the initial hardware and software setup is key for the employee’s working experience, and to the operational success of the company.


“We contacted customer support though the online chat function and in one hour, everything was setup,” recalls Van der Doorn. “With other companies, we have to wait for weeks.”

Remon Van der Doorn, Project Manager

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