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Cost-effective and high-quality wireless condition monitoring

ReferenssiThe Schaeffler Group has been driving forward groundbreaking inventions and developments in the field of motion technology for over 75 years. With innovative technologies, products, and services for electric mobility, CO₂-efficient drives, chassis solutions, Industry 4.0, digitalization, and renewable energies, the company is a reliable partner for making motion more efficient, intelligent, and sustainable – over the entire life cycle. The motion technology company manufactures high-precision components and systems for drive train and chassis applications as well as rolling and plain bearing solutions for a large number of industrial applications. The Schaeffler Group generated sales of EUR 15.8 billion in 2022. With around 84,000 employees, the Schaeffler Group is one of the world’s largest family-owned companies. With more than 1,250 patent applications in 2022, Schaeffler is Germany’s fourth most innovative company according to the DPMA (German Patent and Trademark Office).

Schaeffler OPTIME provides cost-effective and high-quality wireless condition monitoring. Monitoring the condition of machines can be a costly endeavor, leading to the fact that up to 95% of machines within factories receive only sporadic or no monitoring at all. This neglect can result in unexpected breakdowns and downtime. Schaeffler’s OPTIME offers comprehensive and affordable condition monitoring. Its simple plug-and-play installation allows for the monitoring of hundreds of rotating machines within a few hours. OPTIME is compatible with almost all machines and can detect potential damage, imbalances, or misalignments well in advance, providing ample time to plan long-term maintenance, allocate manpower, and arrange spare parts. The system offers three main user interfaces: mobile, web, and expert view. In the early stage only the mobile UI was done with Flutter.

Read the whole story about our partnership with Schaeffler Group from our website!

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Tilaaja: Schaeffler Group
Jari Savolainen


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