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Get familiar with test automation for Flutter apps

BloggausThis is the second article of our three-article series on test automation for everyone interested in the quality of digital projects. The first article helps you identify how to achieve your goals through test automation. This second article provides an introduction to Flutter test automation, catering Flutter testers and developers. The third and final article in the series delves deeper into Flutter test automation, specifically tailored for Flutter developers.

Flutter is our key technology used in RebelApps Studio; our flagship Flutter team that is part of Codemate. We are actively involved in core flutter expansion and development with Google.

Here we look at some of the tools available, the different layers and goals of each and share some of our thinking. Hopefully these are valuable to others. Especially for the developers and testers who are embarking on their first steps with the Flutter framework. It also a bit of a kudos shout out to the Flutter community in general, a key element for the continued ongoing success of Flutter as an often preferred framework.

Read the whole post here!


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