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Bar Foods’ transition to Android using the Miradore MDM solution

ReferenssiAbout Bar Foods

Bar Foods is a bespoke supplier to the UK’s Foodservice industry. They have been supplying quality menu solutions for nearly 30 years, covering frozen, ambient and chilled products in the following competencies: Soup, Sauce and Recipe Dish products.

The challenge

Bar Foods wanted to migrate approximately 50 mobile devices from iOS to Android. It’s current MDM solution didn’t provide sufficient functionality to support this, therefore Bar Foods decided to review the market.

The solution

Miradore was one of the first MDM solutions Bar Foods found during its investigation of the market. Tests conducted on a small number of handsets using Miradore proved successful in addressing the management needs lacking in other solutions.

“Miradore was an obvious upgrade on our previous MDM vendor. Miradore Online provides Android Support, plus it’s fast, efficient and intuitive to use.”

After testing both the Free and Enterprise options, Bar Foods purchased the enterprise licences to access extra features such as Business Policy creation, API support and location tracking. Further to this, Bar Foods utilized another benefit of Miradore in app deployment, for example deploying anti-virus to devices.

“Miradore has dramatically increased the ease with which we manage our devices – the interface is intuitive and extremely simple to navigate. Since we made the switch from our previous vendor, we’ve had zero complaints from our end-users. This can only be seen as a positive.”

During the transition to Miradore Online, Bar Foods have required little to no assistance from customer support. The questions that were asked were answered informatively and within a satisfactory time-frame.

“We’ve only been in touch with customer services for trivial questions about what the solution can or can’t do, or what the different packages include. Even then, we’ve always received a reply – same day, or at least very early the next morning.”

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Tilaaja: Bar Foods


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