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Startup Sauna Names the Pilvi E-commerce Platform as One of the Most Promising Startups in Europe

BloggausJune 17 2014 – Startup Sauna Foundation has chosen the Finnish company Pilvi as one of the seven most interesting startups among over 500 applicants in Europe. Pilvi has developed an e-commerce platform that is used to transform a hosting server provider’s online sales channel into a global cloud services marketplace. A team from Pilvi will now take part in Startup Sauna’s trip to Silicon Valley to meet investors, partners, customers and other key players.

Startup Sauna’s spring ’14 Program saw over 500 applicants from all over Europe. Seven startup companies were chosen to represent the most promising ideas on a trip to Silicon Valley.

”Our goal is to be the de-facto e-commerce platform for cloud services and it’s with great interest that we will meet investors and potential partners in California. We want to make our platform and solution known globally and we see the United States one of our core markets in the near future.” says Pilvi’s co-founder Lassi Virtanen.

”Pilvi is an exceptionally interesting startup with an experienced team. They’ve developed a unique e-commerce solution that brings together global cloud services and traditional hosting services, and the use of cloud services is believed to grow extremely fast in the coming years. The team from Pilvi also demonstrated tremendous progress during our program.” says the head coach of Startup Sauna and founder of the startup accelerator KoppiCatch, Inka Mero.

The Pilvi e-commerce platform was released globally this April. Following the platform as a service (PaaS) model, Pilvi integrates into global cloud services offered by the likes of Amazon and Google, and enables hosting providers to easily resell them side-by-side with their own products and services using Pilvi’s turnkey online shop.

”Companies of all sizes are actively looking for a single provider of cloud services and local hosting services. Using Pilvi’s e-commerce platform, a hosting company can offer their customers the entirety of services they need, while also providing local support for global cloud services. There’s been a lot of interest in our solution among hosting providers and we will deploy our first turnkey shop this fall.” explains Pilvi’s sales director, Antti Vehosmaa.

The Pilvi platform also includes a unified management interface that the end users can operate to manager all their services in an effective manner.

Pilvi is an e-commerce platform for cloud services. It’s being developed by a Finnish team of experts in hosting services and online commerce. The platform as a service doesn’t require any investments by the customer and makes setting up an online store fast and easy. Pilvi’s marketplace can be found at pilvi.com.

Pilvi logo


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