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Rightware® - AWS Restructuring with Pilvi lead to a better managed cloud and 40% decrease in environment costs

ReferenssiRightware® is the leader in 2D and 3D user interface (UI) software with its Kanzi UI solution. Rightware also develops industry leading performance benchmarking software. Rightware uses AWS for hosting most of its services.

Rightware had recognized a need for restructuring their current AWS environment. Their biggest challenge was to manage all the different instances created over time having different operating systems and login details. Also the lack of proper testing environment had caused issues.

“Our expanded AWS environment needed restructuring because we weren’t anymore in control of the environment and its costs. Pilvi’s help was just what we needed: in restructuring and optimization project with we got a overall picture of our AWS environment and its costs. In Addition With the help of Pilvi we found potential cost savings of over 40%”Ville Välimäki, IT-Manager Rightware Oy

Restructuring and Optimizing Rightware’s AWS environment

Rightware chose Pilvi to analyze their AWS restructuring plan before implementation. Rightware restructured its AWS environment based on the plan. After the restructure Pilvi provided insights and cost optimization recommendations based on information before and after the reconstruction.

Rightware AWS restructuring was made during December 2014 based on Pilvi analyzed restructuring plan. In addition to the plan, Pilvi showed Rightware a detailed plan to decrease Rightware AWS environment costs by over 40% after the restructure.

Lue lisää Pilven Asiantuntijapalveluista osoitteesta http://pilvi.com/fi/pilvi-asiantuntijapalvelut/


Our expanded AWS environment needed restructuring because we weren’t anymore in control of the environment and its costs. Pilvi’s help was just what we needed: in restructuring and optimization project with we got a overall picture of our AWS environment and its costs. In Addition With the help of Pilvi we found potential cost savings of over 40%

Ville Välimäki


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