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Prog-IT - Cloud Shop as a go-to-market strategy for Russian ICT-market with Pilvi™ Shop

ReferenssiProg-It is one of the leading Finnish MSP provider with strong focus on ICT services and systems for logistic industry. In addition to Finland, the company is growing rapidly in Russian ICT-market.

As a part of go-to-market operations to Russian markets, Prog-It needed more information on their large service portfolio on their website. They wanted to reach their customers online and, thus, differentiate from their competitors.

“As a part of our go-to- market operations to Russian ICT-market we needed a localized online store to support our sales work. Pilvi proved to be the best alternative with their unique eCommerce platform intended for cloud commerce.” – Jani Lillberg, CEO Prog-IT Oy

Pilvi™ Shop Implementation
To launch a web shop fast, Prog-It chose Pilvi. Based on the Prog-It’s need the delivery project was divided into two phases. First goal was to create and deliver a simple web shop as fast as possible and then in second phase to add more automation to the solution.

Prog-It Web Shop was launched in January 2015. The shop includes more than forty services in multiple languages and payment options. After that the co-operation has continued and the web shop is developed in accordance with Prog-It’s needs.

Visit the Prog-It Web Shop at https://shop.prog-it.net.


As a part of our go-to- market operations to Russian ICT-market we needed a localized online store to support our sales work. Pilvi proved to be the best alternative with their unique eCommerce platform intended for cloud commerce.

Jani Lillberg

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Pilvi logo


Tilaaja: Prog-It Oy
Ajankohta: 2014 - 2015


Yritysprofiili Pilvi kotisivut


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It-infra loppukäyttäjäpalvelut
Pilvipalvelut / SaaS



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Pilvi Shop

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