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Miradore’s patch management brought on-site support hours down by 75% at Fujitsu Finland


Fujitsu Finland Oy is Finland’s third largest provider of IT service and systems. It serves hundreds of companies and organisations of every size, with a total of hundreds of thousands of end users. By looking after everything from hardware and software selection to support, maintenance and development, Fujitsu Finland allows its customers to fully outsource their IT operations.

The challenge

Patch management at Fujitsu Finland used to be a time consuming affair, which kept support personnel busy for several hours each week. While Microsoft WSUS patches were applied with ease, patching software from Adobe Flash to Firefox, Chrome and dozens of other packages was a cause of constant stress, requiring hands-on visits and still involving unnecessary risks. As a result, Fujitsu often had to forego profitability to keep customers happy and operations safe.

The solution

The newly released Patch Management module of Miradore Management Suite allowed Fujitsu to automate the remote distribution of patches to all Windows workstations and servers. The development of Miradore Management Suite had already been heavily influenced by Fujitsu’s feedback over time, so it fulfilled the company’s requirements immediately. Mika Syrjänen, Service Manager at Fujitsu, is totally convinced Miradore was the right choice.

“With Miradore’s patch management module, solutions that simply didn’t work and that were causing constant cost problems were replaced by a transparent, easy to use and automated solution. It requires no expert presence to do what it needs to do. In fact, the solution has brought our on-site support hours down by 75%.”

Real benefits in real time

Real time reporting of patch status, which Miradore is constantly developing further, is another clear benefit of the Patch Management module. This both builds trust – with Fujitsu customers having access to the Miradore dashboard – and allows any problems to be fixed before they have major consequences. Syrjänen recalls an incident when Microsoft had changed their own patching process and forced each workstation to suddenly reboot for OS updates.

“Without Miradore Management Suite and the Patch Management module, hundreds of end users could have lost their work. As it was, we could instantly see what was happening, and only a couple of workstations rebooted before we’d fixed the situation.”

Better patch management clearly translates to better customer satisfaction, too. Besides trust and transparency, both cornerstones of successful partnership, Fujitsu’s customers have been able to enjoy lower costs, as Fujitsu have passed on their savings.

Like a great cup of coffee

Syrjänen compares Miradore’s patch management solution to a great cup of coffee.

“It’s just as strong, and you can trust it every day. Our patching has about a 99.8% success rate. We can send each patch to a small pilot group and see that it works before rolling it out automatically to everyone else, or those who need it.”

It’s no wonder, then, that Fujitsu’s monthly status meetings with patch management customers are mostly about affirmations that everything is working perfectly.

“What makes Miradore so wonderful is the combination of reliability, transparency and cost-effectiveness,” Syrjänen concludes. “That’s something very unique and we’re glad we’ve found it.”


“What makes Miradore so wonderful is the combination of reliability, transparency and cost-effectiveness,” Syrjänen concludes. “That’s something very unique and we’re glad we’ve found it.”

Mika Syrjänen, Service Manager at Fujitsu Finland

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