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LEKABs bid on 21 st Century Mobile is accepted

BloggausThursday 10 March, 2022

LEKAB announces today that it has successfully achieved 90 percent acceptance - a condition that was included in the cash offer presented to 21 'shareholders on 3 February.

"We are very pleased with acceptance of our offer to 21 shareholders," says Fredrik Ramén, Chairman of the Board of LEKAB. “The closing of the transaction creates one of the Nordic region's largest players in mobile communication and messaging services”.

“Together with LEKAB, we will have a better opportunity to successfully develop our joint business further. I see this merger as a natural next step for 21st ", comments Paulina Illman Lindefeldt, Chairman of the Board of 21st Century Mobile.

Closing is scheduled for April 15, 2022.

For further information, please contact:: Fredrik Ramén, Chairman of the Board LEKAB Communication Systems AB, tel +46-703-198757 or Erik Lundberg, Head of M&A och partner, Carlsquare, tel +46-738-503559.

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