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Compolaser saves up to 70 % in a perfect partnership


About Compolaser

Compolaser was founded in 1987 to bring companies the best of the latest technology solutions, services and products. The company has evolved in tandem with the fast-changing IT sector, always adapting their solutions to each customer’s specific needs. In the last decade, Compolaser has focused on the challenges brought by new developments in corporate mobility, particularly the arrival of company smartphones.

The challenge

As an IT service provider, Compolaser had worked with several mobile device management systems in the past, but none had been comprehensive enough to suit their needs. They had also been unable to find a manufacturer who offered a sufficient level of commitment and support for their solution.

The solution

Having evaluated various alternatives, Compolaser came upon Miradore. According to Martín Rollán, Compolaser’s Marketing Director, Miradore Online fulfilled their needs for both technology and features. What’s more, thanks to the dedicated customer support, they could offer it to their clients with absolute confidence.

“Our clients represent very different kinds of companies, but what they all have in common is that they require a very high level of support for multi-platform configurations. Miradore allows us to deliver just that. Their customer support is very flexible and responsive, and their solutions truly match our clients’ needs – it’s almost as if they were custom-made for each one.”

Compolaser’s clients, from the IT professionals responsible for mobile device management to the end users, have all been praising Miradore’s ease of use and fast integration with existing systems. No wonder that, compared with some previous solutions, Miradore saves Compolaser up to 70% in terms of time needed for maintenance.

Another reason to choose Miradore was the company’s unique attitude to customer relationships. As Rollán puts it, Miradore is well ahead of the competition in its understanding and interest in each customer’s unique requirements.

“They have the willingness and the ability to adapt their offering, which is something we haven’t encountered elsewhere. Though we’re still a relatively new client, we’ve already seen the product evolving constantly and developing according to new industry and security requirements. What’s more, any improvements we’ve suggested have always been addressed in product updates.”

Having had such a positive experience with Miradore Online, Compolaser are expanding their Miradore offering from mobile device management to desktop management, too.

“We are a technology company that takes pride in our personal relationships with clients and suppliers. In Miradore we’ve found a partner who shares this mindset, so we look forward to taking our cooperation further.”


“They have the willingness and the ability to adapt their offering, which is something we haven’t encountered elsewhere. Though we’re still a relatively new client, we’ve already seen the product evolving constantly and developing according to new industry and security requirements. What’s more, any improvements we’ve suggested have always been addressed in product updates.”

Martín Rollán, Marketing Director at Compolaser

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