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A complete embedded software service for every IoT device.


TarjontaWe offer you the opportunity to leverage our experience and expertise, our knowledge and our innovation to power your device launch, relaunch, update, or upgrade. Whether designing and architecting a new device, migrating existing code, or optimizing and updating a code on a device already on the market, our teams know how to deliver the IoT software solutions and embedded software you need to meet your strategic and operational needs in industries that include aeronautics, automotive, handheld and mobile, and consumer goods.

We are a one-stop IoT software development, design, and delivery shop that easily pivots between individual device development projects and industrial scale IoT networks spanning countries or even continents. We serve clients in every industrial vertical whether small or large, OEM or device owner, and we offer both IoT app development and mobile app development expertise.

Our end-to-end offer means that it matters little what IoT solutions or embedded software service you require or the scope of the project that you imagine. Our teams can scale to meet your needs and work within your constraints to ensure that your device, its security, its performance, and the user experience it offers aligns perfectly with your expectations.

Our software services are a full-scale, end-to-end, and complete software service delivery solution for your embedded or IoT device. Our teams have developed cutting edge expertise and offer years of combined experience to design, develop, and deliver the device that you envisage to the customers that you’ve targeted. Trust Witekio to guide your software development from start to finish and launch on time and with confidence.

Our software development offer represents a full-service option for any embedded software project or connected, smart, or IoT device. Our teams have the capacity, experience, and cutting-edge knowledge to deliver world’s best software to you and power the launch that you desire and the scale that you seek.

System Design

Our architecture and design teams work to map your project and offer you the very best custom software development services to build the device your customers expect. Our architects help you choose the best technology, build the best system, and have confidence that your performance and device functionality will meet customer expectations. Where you have or envisage a product range, our human centric approach helps you to develop not just software for a single device but instead the basis for a software platform, a secure and agile foundation on which to construct a future product family. Thanks to Witekio you can propose the end user experience that your customers deserve.

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Software Development

Our custom software development company have the capacity to address any and all of your software challenges. We work on low-level and middleware, embedded applications, and web and mobile apps, too. consider your project as a whole, never losing sight of the big picture while still addressing the thousands of details that must be put right to ensure successful execution.

Connecting and integrating your devices with the cloud is more than an option; today, it’s almost essential. Our teams have been working with public and private clouds since they first emerged. Whether servers or serverless, our teams apply their expertise to help you make the best decision for your data processing, and can design and connect your devices to power high-powered and edge computing or data processing at scale. What’s more, our machine to machine (M2M) connectivity experience allows us to help you build true networks where traditional connectivity is low or where more connected devices add additional value to your end users.

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Embedded connectivity and integration with cloud is more than an option; today, it’s almost essential. Our teams have been working with public and private clouds since they first emerged. Whether servers or serverless, our teams apply their expertise to help you make the best decision for your data processing, and can design and connect your devices to power high-powered and edge computing or data processing at scale. What’s more, our machine to machine (M2M) connectivity experience allows us to help you build true networks where traditional connectivity is low or where more connected devices add additional value to your end users.

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IoT and Embedded Security

We embrace a secure by design approach and offer end-to-end embedded system security to assure that the data you collect, store, process, share, and remain responsible for is always held safe and secure. It’s a sad fact that bad actors exist and their impact on your reputation and your customer’s experience with your product can be devastating if you are not prepared for their attacks. Our teams are experienced in attack surface reduction and closing off vulnerabilities that bad actors often seek to exploit.

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An OS migration from one operating system to another or from one hardware board to another can be a headache. While every team is excited about an evolving and innovating product, no team relishes the problems that can arise in migrating their software. Our teams have the experience to manage your migrations from start to finish. Whether migrating to the cloud for the first time, or deploying a new device with a new board, new firmware, new software, and new functionality on your existing network, our team will deliver for you.

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A device that boots too slowly, draws too much power, or lacks connectivity doesn’t always mean that you should start again from scratch. Instead of starting over, optimizing your existing software can offer a cost-efficient means for improving your product, your customer experience, and your bottom line. Our software optimization team can optimize your existing code, speeding up routines, customizing an OS, improving architecture, and improving UX. When you’re ready to re-launch and push the update, we can also help your deliver those updates OTA and start optimizing your position in the market instantly.

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Software services are core to the value that Witekio offers each and every client.

The design, development, and delivery of embedded and connected software projects is one of the things that drives our teams each day. Your success in the market – and getting you to that market faster – is constantly at the front of our thoughts, and our teams thrive on helping you create the success that you seek.

Whether migrating and optimizing existing code, designing and developing systems, connecting your devices to the cloud or to each other, and securing those devices against attacks from bad actors, our teams are ready and able to execute and deliver for you.


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