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An end-to-end IoT journey for your IoT applications

IoTConnect is a full-fledged platform as a Service (PaaS). This horizontal IoT platform allows for device communication and management, data storage, app creation as well as enablement and robust security protocols.

IoTConnect is the only IoT platform available in the market that comes with a powerful device management system and built-in analytics that allows you to connect and manage devices with little to no coding. Its powerful yet easy-to-use interface enables enterprises to create applications faster than laborious coding saving a lot of time and money.

Avnet’s IoT Ecosystem

Get the A - Z of IoT and unleash the potential of our IoT offerings

Avnet’s IoT Partner Program provides platform, tools, and support to build, publish and sell IoT solutions and products. Solution providers, hardware manufacturers and system integrators join this program to drive business growth and get the best return for their IoT efforts.

With a broad range of solutions including connectivity, near real-time communication methods, application development tools and analytical capabilities, we prepare our partners for success. We provide access to the best-in-class tools and technologies, which simplify the development and deployment of your IoT solutions while enabling you to be heard, find customers and transform your clients’ businesses.

Why choose IoTConnect?

IoTConnect is the only IoT platform available in the market that comes with a powerful device management system and built-in analytics that allows you to connect and manage devices with little to no coding. Its powerful yet easy-to-use interface enables enterprises to create applications faster than laborious coding saving a lot of time and money.

IoTConnect provides businesses with the infrastructure required to connect their assets, collect data and analyze it to improve decision-making practices. This is achieved by facilitating device communication and management while adhering to industry-grade security protocols.

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