Re-thinking car part recycling – Case Green Source
The automotive industry is under pressure from governments to recycle more. At the same time, there is increasing customer demand on recycled spare parts (salvage), but the market is fragmented, and the operators are lacking common approaches.
There are 10k parts in a modern car and it’s almost impossible to know the parts of the car unless you get specific information from the manufacturer. There are up to 2k parts that could be re-used and identification of these parts plays a crucial role.
This is where Gateway has stepped in with their automotive industry expertise. By combining different data sources it’s been possible to develop part number-based system that has dramatically increased the identification accuracy. As a result, much bigger portion of the disassembled parts can now be offered for re-use.
In order to take advantage of the identification system, a new distribution platform is needed. A platform that acts as a link between suppliers and potential buyers. The parts can physically be located anywhere. They do not need to be in a central warehouse. They do not even need to be disassembled from the vehicle yet. Many different operators will benefit from the new platform. “Independent smaller companies will now get access to parts they didn’t before. Insurance companies are extremely interested in recycling end-of-life vehicles. They have calculated 20% savings when increasing usage of recycled spare parts for the damage-repair process
“Gateway Finland has played a crucial role. You couldn’t achieve something like this with just anyone. When we started we scanned different options, but Gateway – with their automotive experience, solutions and innovative team – felt like the best option. They have delivered, and I also feel we share the same vision.”
Veli-Matti Jalonen
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