Retail ERP Solution
Business Scenario:
The client is a leading hospitality chain that organizes all kinds of events for companies, organizations and private customers from simple meeting for two persons to a company party for a thousand people with the best solution, location and service.
The Challenge:
The client did not have a managed workflow for sales, purchase, reservation and payment activities. This led to poor customer management. Also, most customers preferred to carry out the booking and transactions on the web or mobile. Hence, the need was to create an ERP and CRM solution that could benefit both the business as well as customers.
Solution Highlights:
- Developed an integrated cloud-based sales ERP solution for e-commerce, CRM, and POS with modules like sales, purchase, product, and time booking modules.
- Sales, purchase, and invoice management
- Workflow and process management
- Reservation application for online reservation
- Product Inventory System
- Secure payment operations using SEPA compliant requests
- Enhanced securities where client requests are signed using X509 Certificates and responses are verified using the same
- Tenant-specific customization and centralized knowledge center
- Optimized business workflow and profitability
- A database with all necessary documents and customer information sorted in one accessible place
- Increased customer management process and business ROI
- Seamless e-commerce Integration and payment integration
Referenssin infoboxi
Tilaaja: | Maestro |
Gateway Digital - Asiantuntijat ja yhteyshenkilöt
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It- ja ohjelmistoalan työpaikat
- Laura - Ohjelmistoprojektien laatupäällikkö
- Laura - UX Designer
- Laura - Senior HRIS asiantuntija
- Laura - Designer
- Efima Oyj - Power Platform Architect
- Efima Oyj - Senior Solution Developer, Power Platform
- Laura - Tietoturva- ja teknologia-asiantuntija
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