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Pilvi joins the Softlayer Catalyst Startup Program

BloggausWe are happy to announce that Pilvi was selected to the Softlayer Catalyst Startup Program. The program is a 12 month program for internet dependent early-stage technology companies. During the 12 months time we will strengthen our knowledge on Softlayer and working on multi-cloud-environments.

Our core team has worked with IBM in Finland for many years. In addition, our customers has expressed their interest towards Softlayer, which is the best driver to start working the partnership. The Catalyst Program is a perfect step for us to learn Softlayer better and enable our customers to succeed with Softlayer.

With Softlayer we can also bring bare metal servers billed hourly and deployed in a few hours. So if you want to get the benefits of a cloud service and the control for the bare metal server Softlayer is probably your choice.

Now we are working with Amazon AWS, Google and Softlayer and we are looking forward to get Microsoft Azure also a part of us.

You can find more information about Softlayer from http://www.softlayer.com/our-platform and If you need help on getting there or on managing your services there just contact us.


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Pilvi - Asiantuntijat ja yhteyshenkilöt

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