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RekryilmoitusThe IT-department of Svenska handelshögskolan (Hanken) is looking for a



Hanken’s IT department is responsible for the planning, development and maintenance of Hanken’s IT environment, i.e. network operation and servers, as well as user support, system development and management of IT services for the teaching, research and administration areas. In co-operation with other actors in the university, we naturally also work with strategic IT issues. Hanken’s IT department operates in both Helsinki and Vaasa.

We are now looking for someone who can help us maintain and further develop our digital services, primarily within the Web and Database areas. 

You have a relevant BSc or MSc or documented previous work experience from corresponding work assignments. In addition, you are willing to learn new and broaden your skills. To be able to successfully work in this position, it is advantageous if you have a broad IT knowledge, good collaboration and problem-solving skills as well as possess the ability work independently. Experience from project coordination and handling of specifications is also very helpful. It is important that you are well organized and have the ability to understand user needs and translate them into technical solutions.

We are looking for a person possessing the following skills:

  • Web programming
  •  Full Stack Drupal 8, knowledge about PHP and OOP principles,
  •  JS / Sass editing (Compass Authoring Framework), Twig templates
  • SQL database administration – Intermediate to advanced SQL skills
  •  Understanding of data structures, database design, ability to maintain and update an ETL process

In addition; we value knowledge about Linux servers, scripting, network/LAN technologies and Shibboleth authentication.

Some general end user IT-support and system administrator tasks are also part of this position. You will also be part of the “on call duty group” remote monitoring critical IT systems outside office hours. Additional compensation is paid out for this work according to the university employment agreement.

Our working language at Hanken is Swedish, in order to manage in this position, at least satisfactory knowledge of the Swedish language is required. If the Swedish language skill is satisfactory, strong English is required. Good knowledge of Finnish is seen as a merit.

The position is primarily located in Helsinki, but Vaasa can also be considered. If the work is done from Vaasa, the position will require some travelling and shorter time periods spent in Helsinki.

The position is located on competence level 9 in the university salary system. The salary is 3300 – 3700 euros / month depending on your competence and references. The probation period is 6 months.

Further information regarding the open position is provided by IT-Manager Magnus Sippel,

 gsm +358 50 595 7625 (17.9 11-12 & 26.9 14-15), e-mail: magnus.sippel[a]hanken.fi

Apply already today! All applications needs to be sent through the LAURA portal (https://www.hanken.fi/sv/om-hanken/jobba-pa-hanken/lediga-platser), at latest Monday 30.9.2019 

Hanken Svenska handelshögskolan

Om du är intresserad av ekonomi och samhälle erbjuder Hanken dig en internationellt välkänd och uppskattad utbildning av högsta kvalitet. Hos oss skapar du dig nätverk för livet, får personlig handledning och möjlighet att ta framgångsrika steg i karriären.

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Hakuaika: 8.9.2019 - 30.9.2019
Sijainti: Helsinki
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/hanken-svenska-handelshogskolan/systemdeveloper/685700/


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