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Software Developers




Software Developers



Love. Passion. Devotion.

We love what we do. We are passionate about calibration. We are devoted to providing a better way to calibrate. Join the Beamex software team, code for sustainability, be part of the future in calibration right now!

We are currently looking for software developers with experience in embedded and web technologies. Our portable calibrators run Linux and their software is developed using C and C++. Everything from low level programming to user interfaces is done inhouse. But that’s not all, we also develop mobile, desktop and cloud-based calibration management solutions using JavaScript, React and Microsoft technologies.

Two locations, Pietarsaari and Kajaani, one software team. We work in scrum teams and help is always nearby regardless of location. Daily scrums, week meetings, sprint planning and reviews held online minimizes the distance.

Education and experience are both important, but not everything. We believe that motivated people willing to learn can achieve anything. We believe in you.

Need more information? Don’t hesitate to contact Software Team Manager Jan-Anders Broo, 050 5728287.



Beamex Oy Ab

For more than four decades we at Beamex have developed and manufactured calibrators and calibration solutions for our customers in the global process industry. With our comprehensive range of innovations, we aim at finding better ways to calibrate and helping customers to attain safer, more efficient and sustainable processes. Through dedication and knowledge, we have become one of the worldleading companies in our field.

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Hakuaika: 15.9.2019 - 14.10.2019
Sijainti: Kajaani
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/beamex-oy-ab/software-developers/688910/


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