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Senior Game Artist (Game Studio)


RekryilmoitusVeikkaus creates joy through games and protects it. We want to make sure that gambling in Finland is kept on the joyful side. All our actions are guided by sustainability. We want to be a trailblazer in the gaming industry, and a trendsetter of a responsible player experience. Wellbeing is our passion. It is important that our employees enjoy coming to work every day. We offer versatile and extensive employee benefits. With us, you get to do work that makes a difference, in a spirited work community that is constantly developing. Let’s work together – to keep gambling on the joyful side.

Senior Game Artist (Game Studio)

We are expanding our Game Studio and are looking for a Senior Game Artist to join us. You will be part of an enthusiastic and highly skilled team, developing top-notch real-money games using modern in-house tools. The games you create will be widely distributed, in both domestic land-based and online channels. Working tightly with Veikkaus’ subsidiary Fennica Gaming, we are also bringing our games to international audiences.

Our game teams typically consist of two developers, two artists, and a producer, working in close cooperation with other teams that are responsible for concept design, game technologies, backend, and QA. We strive to utilize agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban, and each team has the freedom to organize their workflow as they see fit.

As a Senior Game Artist, you will be part of a game’s whole cycle of design and development, focusing on creating art and visual assets. You apply your expertise in visualizing ideas – and bringing them to life in the final product – with high-quality art, animation, effects, and other visual elements that support the game’s mechanics, theme, play flow and feel. While guiding and helping other artists and possibly external partners with your expert knowledge, you will have the support of leads and other senior artists.

In addition to creative tasks, you take responsibility for planning the scope of game projects, while enabling communication and collaboration within – and between teams. You take part in developing the game studio’s existing materials and ways of working. Your main responsibilities are:

  • Guide your team in defining and creating the game’s visual look and feel from big picture to tiny details. You communicate a common style and vision through the project.
  • Creating and guiding other artists in the production of high-quality art and assets within the agreed-upon artistic direction.
  • Communicating and cooperating with stakeholders and your team in turning design ideas into brilliant games. Helping define and uphold the best ways of working for the team, artistically and technically.
  • Taking ownership of project scheduling and meeting deadlines, both with daily tasks and during the entire project, working independently while driving and prioritizing the art production of the whole team.

We have a steady backlog of great games waiting to be made and if you are the talented visual generalist with a passion for teamwork we are looking for – we cannot wait to meet you.

We expect from you:

  • 5+ years of professional game art experience.
  • Strong portfolio demonstrating excellent skills – and your specialization – in-game art (2D, 3D, animation, character design, UI, etc.)
  • Understanding the fundamentals of game design, UX, and other aspects needed to create a coherent visual product, bringing value to the end user.
  • Great communication and teamwork skills, with the ability to guide and coach others.
  • Understanding the big picture of game production processes, being able to ensure the best results possible with the available time and resources.
  • Fluent Finnish and English language skills.

Considered a plus:

  • Traditional art skills/background
  • Previous experience with Spine
  • Excellent animation skills
  • Experience in creating visual effects
  • Familiar with scripts/code
  • An eye for game design and UX
  • Experience with real-money gaming

With us, you’ll have the opportunity to develop world-class real-money games and software and grow as a professional. We offer possibility and active encouragement to broaden your skillset in relaxed atmosphere with awesome co-workers in self-driven game development teams. In addition, we genuinely strive to be a responsible employer, offering meaningful tasks, unusually wide slate of employee benefits, and ensuring a healthy work-life balance. You can read more about us and out benefits here.

Our office is located in Pohjois-Haaga, Helsinki, Finland. We are working in a hybrid work model that enables flexible remote work.

Please send your application with CV, portfolio and salary request included. We are waiting to hear from you as soon as possible, but latest on 7.4.2024. Candidates will be interviewed already during the application period.

Veikkaus as a company will perform a drug test, credit information check, and security clearance check (According to the Act on Security Clearance (726/2014)) to the person selected for the position.

For any inquiries about the position please contact mikko.laakso@veikkaus.fi.

Veikkaus Oy

Veikkaus tuottaa peleillä iloa. Tarjoamme elämyksiä ja huippupelejä, mutta emme hinnalla millä hyvänsä.

Huolehdimme, että pelaaminen säilyy ilon puolella, ja suomalaiset pelaavat maltilla ja peli-ilosta nauttien.

Haluamme olla vastuullisen pelaajakokemuksen suunnannäyttäjiä.

Lähes kaikki aikuiset suomalaiset ovat kokeilleet pelejämme, ja meillä on kaksi miljoonaa Etuasiakasta.

Olemme monella tavalla mukana suomalaisessa elämässä. Meitä veikkauslaisia on noin 1 600 ja työskentelemme lähes sadassa pisteessä eri puolilla maata. Pelejämme myydään tuhansissa paikoissa, ja niitä voi pelata turvallisesti myös veikkaus.fissä ja Veikkaus-sovelluksessa.


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