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Development Manager (Localization & Certification) for Fennica Gaming


RekryilmoitusFennica Gaming is a new company with a long history. It’s established and fully owned by Finnish National Lottery Veikkaus, that is a respected gaming operator with 8 decades of successful service. Fennica Gaming is a B2B company focusing on international offering of real money gaming solutions and services. Our journey is starting by providing our eInstant game portfolio including gaming engine in a GaaS model to nationally licensed operators.

We believe that the success starts with our commitment to the players as contented players keep our customers ahead of the game. We know how to provide entertaining and rewarding game experiences in a safe responsible setting. We believe that success is built by putting the players first.


We at Fennica Gaming are looking for

Development Manager (Localization & Certification) 

For full-time employment

Do you wish to be involved in starting phase of a whole new company and its business? Fennica Gaming’s Portfolio and Product Development team takes pride in delivering first class products and solutions to our B2B customers. Each customer has unique market and regulatory specific needs, and our task is to create the best possible localized and customized solution to satisfy them. 

As a part of our newly established company and our close-knit products team you will be responsible for planning and leading the localization and certification work for game deliveries to several international B2B customers. 

Main responsibilities include:

  • Game localization & customization planning and development management
  • Developing localization & customization best practices to ensure cost-effective scalability
  • Coordination of game certification activities to several jurisdictions
  • Game maintenance planning and monitoring 
  • Co-operating with customers and internal and external specialists
  • Management of outsourced game development partners work from offer requests to successful delivery
  • Assisting other stakeholders with outsourced work 


It would be great to hear from you if you have:

  • Good track record in managing game projects or experience in leading other sw development of internal and external developers/teams
  • Solid understanding of product development and agile working methods    
  • Ability to handle many simultaneous development initiatives and talent to perform this juggling act with a positive mind 
  • Good communication and interaction skills in English 
  • An appropriate degree (BA/MA or similar) or otherwise acquired appropriate competence and experience on product development 


These things are considered as advantages:

  • Experience on developing, localizing and certifying games or other digital products in international B2B environment
  • Business orientation and customer-centric mindset both in company internal co-operation and when working with external partners and customers 
  • Interest in games, game technologies and data driven game development
  • Experience in casino/betting/lottery industry/iGaming
  • Language skills


We offer: 

  • Benefits of a large company with advantages of a smaller firm
  • Relaxed atmosphere and awesome co-workers
  • Possibility and active encouragement to broaden your skillset and grow your role while the business advances
  • Exceptionally large slate of benefits including support for sports & cultural activities, health and dental plans, free glasses, gym, breakfast at the office free of charge and nearly endless amount of coffee and fruits offered daily!


This position is located in Finland. We have modern and agile remote working methods in use and flexible on-site working spaces at the office in Pohjois-Haaga.

Please send your application with CV and salary request included latest 15.05.2022. We are waiting to hear from you soonest possible. The position will be filled as soon as the suitable candidate is found.

For any inquiries about the position don’t hesitate to contact Kirsi Lagus via email kirsi.lagus@fennicagaming.com or mobile +358405212073.


According to the Act on Security Clearance (726/2014), Veikkaus as a company will perform a drug test and security clearance check to the person selected for the position.

Veikkaus Oy

Veikkaus tuottaa peleillä iloa. Tarjoamme elämyksiä ja huippupelejä, mutta emme hinnalla millä hyvänsä.

Huolehdimme, että pelaaminen säilyy ilon puolella, ja suomalaiset pelaavat maltilla ja peli-ilosta nauttien.

Haluamme olla vastuullisen pelaajakokemuksen suunnannäyttäjiä.

Lähes kaikki aikuiset suomalaiset ovat kokeilleet pelejämme, ja meillä on kaksi miljoonaa Etuasiakasta.

Olemme monella tavalla mukana suomalaisessa elämässä. Meitä veikkauslaisia on noin 1 600 ja työskentelemme lähes sadassa pisteessä eri puolilla maata. Pelejämme myydään tuhansissa paikoissa, ja niitä voi pelata turvallisesti myös veikkaus.fissä ja Veikkaus-sovelluksessa.

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Hakuaika: 28.4.2022 - 15.5.2022
Sijainti: Helsinki
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/veikkaus-oy/development-manager-localization-certification-for-fennica-gaming/1551248/


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