Webinaari 14.1.2016: Cloud Foundry auttaa yrityksiä digitaalisessa maailmassa
January 14th, Pivotal and Altoros will share stories of transformation from some of the world’s most innovative companies.
Reserve your spot here:
For many businesses, the digital age has been disruptive. To stay competitive, enterprises must ensure agility and rapid software delivery. In other words, companies need to build better software faster to compete, and they need a platform to make this happen.
In the upcoming webinar, Pivotal and Altoros will present how some of the leading companies in the world succeed by adopting Cloud Foundry Platform-as-a-Service to deliver software at high velocity and scale to meet the demands of their business. The webinar explores new approaches in continuous innovation: Platform-as-a-Service, cloud native architectures, microservices, DevOps.
Are you facing a big development challenge? Or working on something revolutionary and transformational, e.g. an IoT initiative? Are you evaluating PaaS at the moment?
Attend the upcoming webinar and learn from some of the leading companies how to:
Who should attend?
This livecast series will be of great interest to enterprise architects, product-line managers, and other IT and business-side executives who know the basics of Cloud Foundry and now have a need to evaluate it seriously.
In the upcoming webinar, Pivotal and Altoros will present how some of the leading companies in the world succeed by adopting Cloud Foundry Platform-as-a-Service to deliver software at high velocity and scale to meet the demands of their business. The webinar explores new approaches in continuous innovation: Platform-as-a-Service, cloud native architectures, microservices, DevOps.
Are you facing a big development challenge? Or working on something revolutionary and transformational, e.g. an IoT initiative? Are you evaluating PaaS at the moment?
Attend the upcoming webinar and learn from some of the leading companies how to:
- Transform company’s entire culture toward IT-driven business
- Facilitate development of cloud-native apps and services
- Slash your development cycles from months to days
Who should attend?
This livecast series will be of great interest to enterprise architects, product-line managers, and other IT and business-side executives who know the basics of Cloud Foundry and now have a need to evaluate it seriously.
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Testaus ja laadunvarmistus |
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Omat tagit
Cloud Foundry
Altoros Finland - Asiantuntijat ja yhteyshenkilöt
Ari Mutanen
Sales, Business Development, Country Manager
I have been in business almost for three decades - first 10 years in technical development and consultancy tasks, then next 10 years in operational and leadership positions and .. | |
ari.mutanen@altoros.com +358505680532 |
Altoros Finland - Muita referenssejä
Altoros Finland - Muita bloggauksia
It- ja ohjelmistoalan työpaikat
- Laura - Senior Full Stack Developer
- Laura - Full Stack Developer
- Laura - Kesätyöpaikat, Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän kehitys, Millog Oy Tampere
- Laura - Kesätyöpaikat, ICT-harjoittelija, Millog Oy Riihimäki
- Nordea - Java Developer
- Nordea - Hadoop Operation Specialist
- Nordea - DevOps Operation Specialist
Premium-asiakkaiden viimeisimmät referenssit
- TNNet Oy - Kauppakeskus Seppä – TNNet hoiti nettiyhtydet kerrasta kuntoon
- TNNet Oy - Evantizer Oy – Palvelinsiirtoa TNNetille ei ole tarvinnut katua
- Tecinspire Oy - Työ- ja toimintakyvyn arviointi tehostuu digitaalisella ammattilaistyökalulla
- Fellowmind - Teknikum: Dataohjattua ja tehokasta liiketoimintaa Dynamics 365:llä
- Fellowmind - Hedengren: Analytiikan muutoshankkeesta ratkaisuja liiketoimintahaasteisiin
- Codemate - Kestävää kasvua sovelluskehityksen transformaatiolla
- Maxtech - Muonion kunta modernisoi työajanseurantansa Maxtechin järjestelmällä
Tapahtumat & webinaarit
- 15.01.2025 - Datavastuullisuuden valmennus: hanki valmiudet vastuulliseen datan ja tekoälyn hyödyntämiseen
- 15.01.2025 - FCAI-SIG: AI in Energy
- 15.01.2025 - SaaS-klubi: Myyntivetoinen kasvu
- 21.01.2025 - Älyteko 2025 -hybridiseminaari
- 23.01.2025 - Generatiivisen tekoälyn hyödyt liiketoimintajohtajalle
- 22.01.2025 - Verkosto 2025
- 29.01.2025 - Modern toolchain and AI breakfast seminar with Eficode, AWS and HashiCorp
Premium-asiakkaiden viimeisimmät bloggaukset
- Nodeon - Kun ensimmäinen miljoona on käytetty, niin siitä se homma vasta alkaa
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- Ready Solutions Oy - Aikasarjamallien ennusteiden testaus ja laadunvarmistus
- Kisko Labs Oy - Esteettömyysdirektiivi ja sen vaikutukset digitaalisiin palveluihin
Digitalisaatio & innovaatiot blogimediaBlogimediamme käsittelee tulevaisuuden liiketoimintaa, digitaalisia innovaatioita ja internet-ajan ilmiöitä |