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Chief of Finance 2025

17.09.2025 Helsinki


Navigating the New Financial Landscape

As the financial world evolves at an unprecedented pace, the role of finance leaders has never been more crucial. This event is designed to arm Chief Financial Officers and finance professionals with insights, strategies, and tools to enhance their effectiveness, harness the transformative power of AI, and lead their organizations toward strategic growth.

In an era where the financial landscape is constantly reshaped by technological advancements and global economic shifts, the need for adaptive, forward-thinking leadership is paramount.

Join us as we embark on a journey through the new financial landscape, uncovering opportunities, overcoming challenges, and shaping the future of finance leadership. Whether you're looking to refine your strategic vision, implement cutting-edge technology, or drive efficiency and growth, this event promises valuable insights and networking opportunities to propel you to new heights.

Acquire New Insights, Trends, and Generate Business Growth.


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