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Rakennuskemia's international expansion is supported by long-lasting partnership

VideoRakennuskemia develops, markets, and sells DIY and hardware store concepts, with their own brand portfolio consisting of brands like WTF, Quickloader, WOODCARE.GUIDE, RK, Maxx Gear, PAINT.GUIDE and Timpuri. In addition to these, Rakennuskemia also represents several internationally known industry brands such as Dupli-Color, Tytan, Bison and Mellerud. Since its establishment in 1988, Rakennuskemia has grown into an internationally operating innovator in construction, hardware and care products.

International expansion required correct systems and support

Rakennuskemia’s cooperation with Staria started already in 2018 when they were in the market for a new ERP system. With the goal to grow and expand their business outside of Finland, it was necessary to ensure they had the right systems in place to support their growth.

– We wanted to have data available at all times. We also wanted to have a more modern take and really level up the whole ERP system, says Mikko Ikonen, CEO at Rakennuskemia.

– Staria saw us as a growth company and were able to convince us that NetSuite is the right choice for us. It has really enabled us to easily start new subsidiaries outside of Finland and fulfill our needs as we have been growing as a company, Ikonen says.

A long-lasting partnership

The collaboration between Rakennuskemia and Staria did not stop at the NetSuite ERP implementation, but deepened as more of Staria's services were a great fit for Rakennuskemia's needs.

– Our collaboration with Staria has expanded since we started the ERP project, because we have needed new services step by step. For example, I wish we had changed to Staria’s payroll services already years ago, says Ikonen.

As Rakennuskemia started using Staria's payroll services in Finland, it was a natural step to use these services from the very start when expanding to Sweden in 2024, and to continue and develop the partnership in additional markets.

– We see Staria as part of our team. They know our systems very well, and because the personnel hasen’t really changed along the way, we feel that they really know what we need. Instead of just scripting, they also advise us, Ikonen says.

– Staria is there to support us, because it’s much better and easier to work with one reliable partner instead of finding new partners in each country, Ikonen adds.

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Toiminnanohjaus ERP


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Big Data
Pilvipalvelut / SaaS





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Tuki- ja ylläpitotyö

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NetSuite ERP
Oracle NetSuite

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