Gateway encoded Aditron into the cloud
The cooperation with Aditro is a good example of the perseverance with which Gateway Digital commits itself to its customers. The customer is supported in the ups and downs of the project, both of which have been accommodated in Wintime’s four-year renovation project. “A certain kind of threshold has now been exceeded, with the new application already in production use in 20 organizations and several projects under construction.
Gateway's and Visman's Cumulus RoR software development project began as early as 2012, before Visma acquired the software owner, Aditro Public Sweden AB. In the project, the desktop application was converted to a browser-based one and at the same time the software interface was modernized. The functions of the financial management software remained the same. Two teams, Visma and Gateway Digital, worked together on the software project.
“We have made a great effort to implement substance expertise for Gateway. It is valuable that their executives know us and our way. They know how to mirror our needs to the code already made and this makes the whole work. Our cooperation continues in the spirit of continuous development.”
Anu Varstala
Tilaaja: | Aditro Oy |
Ajankohta: | 2012 - 2018 |
Gateway Digital - Asiantuntijat ja yhteyshenkilöt
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