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Cinode Welcomes Three New Sales Executives

BloggausPictured (Left to right): Kimmo Kärkkäinen, Johan Haeger (Head of Enterprise Sales), Lina Brådhe and Andreas Johansson.

Cinode is growing at a rapid pace, and in order to meet the increased market demand, the team is strengthened with three new sales executives; Andreas Johansson, Lina Brådhe, and Kimmo Kärkkäinen. Get to know Lina, Andreas, and Kimmo in this Q&A!

What attracted you to Cinode?

Kimmo: I knew about Cinode’s platform even before speaking with anyone at the company, so in this case, the first thing that appealed to me was the product. It’s a prime example of a great SaaS product: you find a core business process typically managed manually (with spreadsheets), and figure out an efficient and scalable way to replace the excel and speed things up and just make everyone’s work go better and feel better ???? That was my initial impression, and it still holds.

Then there’s, of course, the team. Our communication was good from the start and it just felt that we were on the same page on culture and values.

Lina: The people, the culture, and the product, all appealed to me. The culture suits me perfectly, and the product is extremely intuitive and useful.

What are you looking forward to, working with us at Cinode?

Andreas: To be able to work with skilled and driven colleagues who also want to help our customers grow in their business within Skills Management. The problem of managing your skills is something that not only consulting companies face, but it is also a problem that spends beyond the consulting industry. All industries face the problem of recruiting and retaining talents, developing the internal skill supply, and utilising the workforce to its full capacity.

At Cinode, I believe that our combined experience can contribute to strengthening our customers’ attractiveness and their “Talent Acquisition” in the labor market. We at Cinode are making our own journey as the Nordic region’s leading SaaS provider of modern cloud services for Skills Management. The opportunities are great! The Cinode team also has a lot of different competencies, and a great passion for creating customer value, which I believe that I can learn a lot from.

Lastly, tell us something about yourselves

Kimmo: Music and sports have been my two constant hobbies outside of work. Actually, music used to pay the rent as well in my earlier career when I worked at a record label. I play the guitar and piano mostly, and the latest tune I learned was the MacGyver intro theme on an acoustic guitar. Such a cool theme song!

Lina: I always have a project going on, big and small. I like spending time with my kids, meeting relatives and friends, and make sure to get a couple of dance classes in the gym every week. I like to travel both in Sweden and abroad – which I look forward to doing more in the future.

Andreas: I am a football coach for a team of boys born in 08 that I have followed since they were around 5 years old when they first started out with football. I will willingly admit that I am an avid football supporter myself with two colors and a faith. I also like experiences such as concerts, travel, skiing and I try to train regularly by playing floorball a few times a week and it happens that I run the occasional run or race sometimes. Relaxation for me is spending time with my family at our holiday home in Roslagen.

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