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Choosing the right ERP supplier

BloggausBusiness demands have increased. Cloud services are in common use and the timeliness of information is crucial. The information must be immediately accessible, regardless of time or place. Traditional ERP systems can no longer meet the demands of growth companies and have been replaced by modern business platforms that support a company’s growth through scalability.

The interest towards NetSuite business platform is constantly growing, and for a good reason. NetSuite has been designed to scale according to the company’s growth and to streamline critical processes. This provides companies with the opportunity to focus on their core business and to react to changes in the market. NetSuite provides companies with tools to stimulate growth and innovation.

NetSuite has been placed as a leading system in Gartner’s comparison of financial administration systems for the second year in a row. The research compared systems designed for medium, large and global enterprises. Read more about Gartner’s research.

Gartner and NetSuiteCompare suppliers

When planning to change a financial administration system, the correct supplier must also be chosen. The choice is difficult but is fortunately facilitated by a few viewpoints that provide clear benefits to a customer.

The following viewpoints should be taken into consideration when choosing a software supplier:

  • Change leadership
  • Project expertise
  • Product expertise
  • The number of customers or deployed projects
  • Business expertise and know-how
  • Networks
  • Financial administration expertise.

Choose an ERP supplier, who understands growth

It is important for international companies to choose a partner, who understands growth and the challenges of international business. Staria continues to show strong growth. In 2019, turnover grew organically by 43 percent from January to June in comparison to the same period in the previous year. We are completely focused on NetSuite and are a certified developer partner of NetSuite. Staria is the leading and most experienced NetSuite partner in the Nordic countries. You can read our customer stories here.

We have invested greatly into the development of NetSuite App and our localizations are already available in Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia. Our next localizations will be for Hungary and a few other European countries that are not yet available in NetSuite. We are providing international financial services to over 30 countries, however.

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Toiminnanohjaus ERP


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Oracle NetSuite
NetSuite ERP

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