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Web Development for Employment Platform

ReferenssiProject summary:

The client is a Finnish digital consultancy that serves European clients. There was a need to develop an online platform for jobseekers in Finland. Espeo Software was selected to provide a very large development team throughout the 14-month project. The project was completed in June 2015.

Feedback summary:
The client is extremely satisfied with the work delivered by Espeo Software. They were able to manage a huge project well for 14 months and, in the end, provided a great product by the deadline despite great pressure. Espeo Software is highly recommended to others.


Solita is a digital business consulting and services company. We develop new business and digital services for our corporate and public sector customers. We combine business processes, content, and technology in a revolutionary manner for our customers' benefit. Our role is to be the customer's guide on the road to change.

I'm a team manager at Solita Oy. I lead individuals, manage projects and consult businesses in how to reach, engage, and serve customers in an increasingly digital world.


We reached a client who decided to launch an online recruitment platform aimed at the Finnish market. Functional objectives of the platform to be achieved: collecting electronic CVs [curriculum vitae] from those looking for work and enabling employers to browse and access the collected CVs, and to contact the candidates. The client was afraid that having to complete the entire profile (CV) would be a serious entry barrier for people looking for work. Another potential problem was the CV Bank. Since the platform's business model was based on the fees charged from employers for viewing the profile of a potential candidate, the search engine was to return results that would be numerous and ordered depending on how relevant they are. Since both sections are part of one of the largest Finnish online classifieds services, the other potential problem was the issue of scalability. We've decided to outsource this project to Espeo Software as Espeo has obtained proficiency in area outside of our core competences.

Espeo was working remotely from their office in Poznań [Poland] with the Finnish project manager, product owner, and UX [user experience] designer. With the use of Symfony 2 framework, we designed a web platform that included two sections: Profiili and CV. Profiili is an application for people looking for work that allows them to create their electronic CV by filling in a form. The usability of the form was tested in order to make the time needed for filling it in as short as possible. CV Bank is a web application for employers allowing them to search for candidates that meet specified criteria, view their profiles after paying a fee, and contact them. In the search engine, we used the mechanisms of fuzzy logic so that there is no risk that a very detailed query would return empty results. If necessary, the search engine returns results that do not closely match the query and at the same time shows the user the relevance level of each of the results expressed in percentages. The platform is cloud-hosted with Amazon Web Service, which guarantees high efficiency and scalability of the system.

Espeo was responsible for execution of the whole project. This project involved the entire Scrum team for 14 months. Espeo Software did a good job, and we knew exactly what to expect. They worked together well under pressure and delivered in the face of a really tight deadline. They really took their job seriously and treated customers with respect. Their English is great, and the communication was fluent through the project. I was able to collaborate with them efficiently, which might not always be straightforward when working with other nearshore companies. I liked the fact that they respond very quickly to any questions or concerns I had. When I send a request or a task, I see the progress and I know it will be done within the time period that I wanted. For me, this is very important. Overall, reachability of the Espeo team was constantly on a good level.


"Espeo Software did a good job, and we knew exactly what to expect.They worked together well under pressure and delivered in the face of a really tight deadline. They really took their job seriously and treated customers with respect. "

Pekka Toppila, Team Manager


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