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Gateway Digital kokemuksia

Gateway Digital:lla on yhteensä 6 suosittelijaa ja asiakaskokemusta. Gateway Digital kokemuksia –sivu koostaa yhteen ne asiakaskokemukset, suositukset ja suosittelijat, jotka Gateway Digital Oy on liittänyt referensseihinsä.

ReferenssiSuccessful offshore development - Case Cloudriven

"Cloudriven and Gateway have found a very effective way to develop offshore. Gateway firmly supports Cloudriven’s agile development model that works and delivers results. This is helped by a long-term and committed core team."

-- Jukka Koskenkanto

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ReferenssiHolistic Tyre e-Commerce Platform – Case Euro-Tyres

"I am delighted to see Renkaatalle now being equipped with modern technology stack. Our team is excited to receive B2C orders, and we are geared up for the future to enhance our online offerings by leveraging this platform. We have already more than 200 service points where customers can select service and book the time and pay all in advance. I am looking forward to further cooperation."

-- Taito Lehmusto

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ReferenssiGateway edits Sanoma Lifestyle's images

"Gateway has been a very efficient service provider for Sanoma. The cooperation with Sanoma and Gateway has been tuned to run very smoothly and the quality is good. Gateway has been able to operate very flexibly in terms of both peak demand and lower demand. We are very pleased to have a long-term partner like Gateway."

-- Sami Majaniemi and Markku Niskanen

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ReferenssiRe-thinking car part recycling – Case Green Source

"Gateway Finland has played a crucial role. You couldn’t achieve something like this with just anyone. When we started we scanned different options, but Gateway – with their automotive experience, solutions and innovative team – felt like the best option. They have delivered, and I also feel we share the same vision."

-- Veli-Matti Jalonen

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ReferenssiSuccessful product development trip with Ukko Pro!

"We at UKKO Pro are developing a comprehensive financial management service and our first product is a cloud-based invoicing system that helps companies move to electronic accounting. The developed system incorporates challenging logic, advanced processes and functionalities to ensure absolutely reliable and easy-to-use service for our customers. With the support of Gateway, we have achieved.."

-- Vili Lappalainen

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ReferenssiGateway encoded Aditron into the cloud

"We have made a great effort to implement substance expertise for Gateway. It is valuable that their executives know us and our way. They know how to mirror our needs to the code already made and this makes the whole work. Our cooperation continues in the spirit of continuous development."

-- Anu Varstala

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