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Work from Home Internet Analyst


RekryilmoitusThis position is restricted to current residents of Finland.


Appen is looking for highly educated individuals for an exciting work from home opportunity. Applicants must be self-motivated and internet savvy. As an internet analyst, you may participate in several different evaluation projects, including web search, video evaluation, maps, local, automation projects, etc.

Internet Analysts will need to combine a passion for analysis with an understanding of various online research tools. Applicants must be detail oriented and have a broad range of interests.

  • Search Engine/Social Media Evaluators provide feedback and evaluation of various data sets, often by measuring the relevance and usefulness of web pages in correlation to predefined queries, by providing comparative analysis of sets of results and various other techniques.
  • Transcription will involve listening/watching audio/video recordings of data and typing it down. The transcription opportunity is perfect for those who have skills in type writing and are accurate and keen to details.
  • Translation will involve translating a one language to another as accurate as possible. This opportunity helps us communicate better with different people around the globe.
  • One-off Tasks simple tasks involving speech recording, image collection, answering surveys and so much more! The time ranges from 15 minutes – 3 hours depending on the opportunity. This is a perfect opportunity you can work on together with the other long-term or one-off projects
  • Linguistics opportunity ranges from transcribing specific language data to to data annotation specific to your linguistic background.

All candidates are required to take and pass a qualification exam before becoming an independent contractor. 

Ideal Internet Analysts will possess the following skills

  • Have in-depth, up-to-date familiarity with the country’s social culture, media, and web culture
  • Excellent comprehension and written communication skills in Finnish and English
  • Broad range of interests, with specific areas of expertise a plus
  • University degree or equivalent experience (degrees in-progress are acceptable). Advanced degrees a plus
  • Excellent web research skills and analytical abilities.
  • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision
  • Possess a high-speed internet connection (Cable Modem, Fiber, DSL, etc.)
  • Search Engine Evaluators are required to have currently lived in the country for a minimum of 5 consecutive years to ensure cultural familiarity.
  • Use of an Android phone version 4.1 or higher, Windows phone version 8.1 or higher, or an iPhone version 4s or higher

We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status.

Apply via clicking the apply button.



With expertise in more than 180 languages, a global crowd of over 1 million skilled contractors, and the industry’s most advanced AI-assisted data annotation platform, Appen solutions provide the quality, security, and speed required by leaders in technologyautomotivefinancial servicesretail, manufacturing, and governments worldwide.

Founded in 1996, Appen has customers and offices around the world.

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Hakuaika: 9.2.2020 - 10.3.2020
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/appen/work-from-home-internet-analyst/785408/


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