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MBD Engineer

RekryilmoitusThe roots of Epec lie deep in Ostrobothnia. Having the Epec-spirit means having perseverance and passion for working and at the same time constantly renewing one’s way of thinking and doing things. Epec is known for its reliability - we keep our promises. We take on challenges with enthusiasm and develop innovative solutions that serve our customers agilely.

Our company is looking for an engineer with experience using Simulink/Simscape/Stateflow for Model-Based Design (MBD). In this position, you will, for example:

  • design and implement advanced control system solutions for non-road mobile machines
  • develop machine functions and operator assistance systems software that require complex algorithms
  • carry out physics-based modeling and dynamic system simulations

At Epec, you will closely work with our team of experts and in cooperation with world’s leading machine manufacturers. You can be situated in Seinäjoki, Tampere or in Turku.

To be successful in this position, you should have experience with the Matlab/Simulink or similar tools for control design, code generation and verification. In your work you need to able to identify program requirements and relationships and manage the execution of the engineering process.

Understanding control algorithms and machine functionality is beneficial for this position. You should have expertise and a genuine interest for model-based design and development. Experience with programmable control systems is considered an advantage, but more importantly, you should have knowledge and a strong desire and ability to independently further develop your skills. Suitable education for this position is e.g. B.Sc. or M.Sc in Engineering.

As an employee, we hope that you will be open-minded, development oriented and honest person according to Ponsse group values. Ready to challenge yourself and your knowledge?

Check out our website for more information about our operations and give us a call!

Further information about Epec Oy: www.epec.fi

Applications including salary request before 14.1.2024.

Inquiries about the position from Jussi-Petteri Lehto (Director, Engineering Services) 040 823 0257

Epec Oy logo


Hakuaika: 20.12.2023 - 14.1.2024
Sijainti: Seinäjoki, Tampere, Turku
Linkki: https://ura.epec.fi/jobs/3465229-mbd-engineer


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