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Epec Oy

Epec Oy is a system supplier specializing in advanced electric / electronics for efficient, safe and connected non-road mobile machines (NRMM) and commercial vehicles.

Epec Oy - Yritysesittely

Epec – Ponsse Group technology company

Ponsse Group technology company Epec Oy is a system supplier specializing in advanced electric /electronics for efficient, safe and connected non-road mobile machines (NRMM) and commercial vehicles. Epec is a manufacturing company with extensive experience in control systems, customized products, electric vehicle systems and assistance and autonomous systems.

Since 1978, Epec’s diverse experience is based on long term cooperation with leading international OEM’s in different sectors. The strength of the company is the combination of innovative and reliable products and services, Know-How of new technology, extensive project management and service experience from different types of applications and operating environments.
Työntekijöitä 170 Www epec.fi
Y-tunnus FI15690673 Puh +358 (0)20 7608111
Perustettu 1978 E-mail recruitments@epec.fi
Toimipaikat Kuopio, Seinäjoki, Tampere, Turku
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control systems

Epec - Asiakaskokemuksia ja -suosituksia

Epec:lla on 5 suosittelijaa.

ReferenssiNT Liftec

"NT Liftec chose Epec as IoT solution provider, because we have good experiences of their products and they are easy to work with. The Epec products are reliable and their new GlobE platform fits our needs perfectly. GlobE also enables us to customize and modify the reports and dashboard views ourselves, ensuring a fast response to the different needs of our customers. Rolling out new machines.."

-- Raimo Ukkonen, Development Manager, NT Liftec

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Epec - Tarjonnat



Epec’s goal is to make control system application development easy, fast and error-proof for our customers. That’s why Epec has developed a set of helpful software development tools (PLCopen libraries, MultiTool, CANmoon and comprehensive..

Tarjonnan kuvaus ja referenssit

Epec - Referenssit

Epec - Bloggaukset

Epec - Asiantuntijat ja yhteyshenkilöt

Asiantuntijoita ja yhteyshenkilöitä ei ole vielä kuvattu.

Epec - Rekryilmoitukset

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