AI SW Engineer
As part of the Ponsse group, Epec is the place where you can enhance your skills and work with leading machine manufacturers. With us you get a pole position to state-of-the-art technologies, world-class customers, and a work environment that values excellence, continuous learning, and work-life balance.
Epec is looking for AI/ML related SW expert to work full-time or hybrid hours in one of our offices Seinäjoki, Tampere or Turku.
We are offering a modern flexible and innovative environment to work in. Epec customers include world leading machine manufacturers, and you will have the opportunity to work with them as part of the project team.
This AI SW expert will get an opportunity to work with Epec assistant and autonomous systems by designing and implementing those tasks in close co-operation with Epec customers. These projects include specification, implementation, testing and verification in a real mobile machine environment.
You can be SW professional, automation technology expert, autonomy/robotic specialist or you have worked with AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning). We expect that you have suitable degree for this job and fluent English both in speaking and writing manner. To be successful in this position the absolute must are co-operation and interaction skills together with a can-do attitude.
Your previous experience could be related to:
- AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) usage with moving machines
- Embedded SW and application development and implementation
- C-programming in Linux environment (C, C++)
- Model based design
- Embedded system BSP (board support package) development, integration, and maintenance
- ROS / ROS2 / DDS development environments
Applications including salary request before 26.6.2022.
Inquiries about the position from Petri Aaltonen (Program Manager), 040 502 1715.
Epec Oy is a system supplier specializing in advanced electric / electronics for efficient, safe and connected NRMM non-road mobile machines and commercial vehicles. Being close to our customers is how we continuously co-create and innovate sustainable future technology solutions that make a difference. Epec works in cooperation with leading international machine manufacturers and belongs to the Ponsse Group.
Hakuaika: | 27.5.2022 - 26.6.2022 |
Sijainti: | Seinäjoki, Tampere, Turku |
Linkki: | |
Tuotekehitys ja suunnittelu |
Analytiikka | |
Big Data | |
Ohjelmistokehitys | |
Ohjelmistorobotiikka |
C | |
C++ | |
Linux |
Omat tagit
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