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Time to capture the silent knowledge of machine whisperers


One day, Paul came to work only to see that the production line was temporarily shut down. Something had gone wrong with the machine, but no one had seen it coming. Well, one person might have. 

A week before the factory faced a major unplanned shutdown that cost tens of thousands of euros, Martin, the factory’s chief maintenance engineer, had taken one last look at the machinery and then walked out the door. After working for decades in the factory, he finally retired. And when he left, the company lost something they didn’t even realize they had: the silent knowledge of a machine whisperer. You see, Martin knew everything there was to know about using his senses and experience interpreting the equipment’s data without ever seeing the actual data collected by the factory’s many sensors. 

But this is something we’ll be facing. Factory workers worldwide are growing older; we are seeing the simultaneous retirement of a large group of experienced workers. At the same time, we live in a data-driven business century, in the middle of fourth industrial revolution where digital manufacturing revolutionizes the industry.

If you think these things won’t affect your business, think again. People in production, quality, and maintenance departments are typically the ones whose productivity grows the longer they do their jobs. When this group retires, industries worldwide will face a problematic skills shortage while also adapting to the new reality of smarter, digital manufacturing. This wave of retirement is about to begin.

Explore the full article on our website: https://nortal.com/insights/its-time-to-capture-the-silent-knowledge-of-machine-whisperers-2/

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