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Yle: Tommi Kosola spent 10 months traveling around Europe while working remotely

BloggausAt Nortal, we believe in the freedom to work where you work best, and we offer flexibility for remote or on-site work at our offices around the world. We also offer our employees the opportunity to go work abroad through our Nortal Nomad program. In 2023, Nortal Finland’s Architect, Tommi Kosola, traveled around Europe in his van with his wife for 10 months while working remotely. Yle, Finland’s national public broadcasting company, interviewed Kosola to discuss his experience of combining work and travel.

Kosola, who has worked remotely during his entire Nortal journey, had a unique dream of embarking on a special adventure – an extended trip around Europe while continuing to work. After some preparations, Kosola and his wife began this extraordinary trip in the spring of 2023. In this interview with Yle, he shares their experiences, from unexpectedly breathtaking places like the Dolomites in Italy to the Christmas markets in Colmar, France. He also discusses their trip’s preparations, daily routines, and the intriguing experience of working from their van.

Listen to the full radio interview to learn more about Tommi’s trip (the interview is held in Finnish).

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