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Smooth Electronic Services in Social and Health Care Services - Case 2M-IT

ReferenssiStreamlined electronic services in social and health care with a versatile comprehensive solution


In the spring of 2015, 2M-IT (former Medi-IT) launched a major development project to build a new comprehensive solution for electronic services. 2M-IT needed reliable and agile development partners. During the tendering process, Eficode convinced with its experience and competence.

About the Service

2M-IT eServices is a regional, comprehensive solution for electronic transactions. It enables the development of versatile and smooth multi-channel services independent of basic systems and organizational or municipal structure. The customer experience improves as citizens’ information is available across organizational boundaries.

2M-IT eServices includes public health-related content reviewed by experts and the self-service section for electronic services.

2M-IT eServices is an important tool for social and health care professionals who serve customers by advising and guiding them via the eServices platform. The service includes, for example, secure messaging, appointment booking, forms and seeking treatment. The management of many service processes, such as for the maternity and child welfare clinic and laboratory services, is also carried out using the eServices platform. Customers can use the service on both the web and mobile. In the future, eServices will be developed modularly in cooperation with customers.

Versatile and demanding development project

As a system, eServices is broadly integrated into many background systems. People’s personal health information that is managed in the service also sets special requirements for the development work. For example, every instance of data processing must leave a log entry so that, if necessary, it is possible to trace who has done or viewed what in the service. Data protection must be of a high standard.

Future plans for social and health care must also be taken into account. A non-regional approach is sought in the implementation so that citizens can freely choose where to conduct their business. The system must also meet the requirements of the Data Protection Regulation of the EU.

From the Client

“Eficode convinced us with its competence and enthusiasm. The versatile and demanding development project quickly gained efficient momentum: a special thanks for this to Eficode’s strong and active project management. Eficode possesses solid expertise on the technologies used in the project. The strong DevOps competence of Eficode has also contributed to the success of the project.”

– Hannu Hämäläinen, Product Manager

Satisfied End users

The new eServices platform has been put into production use in stages as of May 2017 and has tens of thousands of users in seven different hospital districts. The service reform has improved usability, streamlined electronic services and enhanced the work of social and health care professionals.

Technologies used

  • Liferay
  • Spring
  • Java
  • Angular
  • JavaScript
  • MongoDB
  • Activiti


2M-IT is the largest publicly owned ICT provider in the social and health care sector in Finland. It was born in March 2018 when two ICT-companies (Medi-IT and Medbit) merged. Its owner customers include 11 regions and 12 hospital districts. 2M-IT develops electronic services with a customer-oriented and pioneering approach. A healthy citizen and an excellent service experience are at the core of it all.

“We look forward to taking on similar challenges and helping you develop effective, efficient and user-friendly electronic services.”

- Kirsi Korhonen, Account Manager, Eficode

Referenssin infoboxi
Eficode Oy logo


Tilaaja: 2M-IT
Kirsi Korhonen, Account Manager, kirsi.korhonen@eficode.com, +358 (0)44 546 6066


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