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Miradore Online hits the sweet spot at Lion Pack Group

ReferenssiLion Pack Group develops, co-designs and manufactures high quality, sustainable cardboard packaging for confectionary products. Based in Velika Greda, Serbia, they have been constantly growing for over a decade. Today their products already end up all over Europe and the Middle East. The company works closely with customers, regularly visiting production facilities to make tiny adjustments that make the end product as perfect as possible.

The challenge:

In the everyday of Lion Pack Group, mobile devices play a crucial role. Their business management and IT department have iPhones, manufacturing management use Windows Phones, and the rest of manufacturing have Android and iPad tablets. These tablets run applications developed in-house to access company servers, ensuring seamless access to up-to-date product data – even if designers make changes, there is no chance of using the wrong machine setup.

The introduction of mobile devices to manufacturing resulted in an impressive 15-20% reduction in machine setup times, but it also made it necessary to quickly bring in an effective mobile device management solution.

Securing devices with access to company data became a very important part of our daily work. We had to have control of what software goes on the devices and be able to deal with missing mobile devices immediately. Encryption and passcode lock was another must, along with denying access to public and unlocked Wi-Fi,” Lion Pack Group’s CIO Mile Jančić explains.

The solution:
In August 2015, Lion Pack Group contacted Miradore. After reviewing its features, Lion Pack Group signed up for a trial, while testing out a few other options at the same time.

What we liked about Miradore is simple enrolment, intuitive interface, flawless operation and the fact they care about improving their product. Though in an ideal world I’d have us using just one operating system, with Miradore managing devices on multiple platforms is working fine, too. I was the one in charge of testing Miradore and another local provider, and someone from Miradore called me to ask about my experience with their product. She spent half an hour listening to what I liked and didn’t like about Miradore!

While Lion Pack Group is using the Miradore Online Free plan to start with, Jančić is confident they will upgrade to the Business Plan in the future. The company is currently rolling out delivery tracking, and the second half of 2016 is reserved for interfacing machines to company servers and enabling live insights into the current production run. There is certainly plenty of potential to make use of Miradore Online’s more advanced features too.

Even as it is, Miradore Online is saving both Jančić and his device users a lot of headaches and precious time.

What I find most useful about Miradore is the ability to easily ensure a higher standard of device security and change configurations without having to handle the device personally. Most of the users are not even aware of their device being remotely managed, while some are pleased to be able to call me and say: “I’ve changed my Wi-Fi password at home, can you please connect my phone to it?”

Miradore Online has clearly proven a sweet deal for Lion Pack Group. Happy IT department and happy employees is a combination to strive for, and we at Miradore are proud to have helped another customer achieve that.


“What we liked about Miradore is simple enrolment, intuitive interface, flawless operation and the fact they care about improving their product. ...I was the one in charge of testing Miradore and another local provider, and someone from Miradore called me to ask about my experience with their product. She spent half an hour listening to what I liked and didn’t like about Miradore!”

Mile Jančić, CIO of Lion Pack Group

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Tilaaja: Lion Pack Group


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