IoT in smart office: Taitori customer case
The smart office solutions market will grow at a CAGR of over 14% through 2020-2024, a development that has been accelerated by Covid-19 and the need for more digitized space monitoring solutions and increased hygiene and cleaning.
Taitori is a Finnish smart office company that provides new kinds of solutions for easier management and booking of premises and for smoother reporting. Taitori’s objective is that people always have just the right amount of space for various encounters. Taitori’s complete smart office solutions include space and workstations booking, catering orders, visitor management, info screens, and space usage analysis and reports. In short, Taitori aims to be the category king of smart offices and work in collaboration with Haltian to achieve this goal.
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If a phone booth has a 10-minute delay in its occupancy information that means that the booth can be unnecessarily ‘occupied’ for that 10 minutes. That’s an entire call someone could have had. ... Now we can have limits for space usage that can automatically be seen from the smart office platform. You don’t have to make an unnesassry trip to the office just to see that all the workspaces are already taken when the information is easily availble remotely. Smart office technologies make the safe return to the office possible. ... We want to work with Haltian. First of all, we value Finnish expertise and know-how, and that the Haltian devices are designed and made in Finland. Second, we hope to create a smart office ecosystem together with Haltian and TietoEVRY that will take over the world with Finnish innovation
Perttu Ahvenainen, Partner & Head of Sales and Marketing at Taitori Oy
Tilaaja: | Taitori |
Toimittajan yhteyshenkilö: |
Perttu Ahvenainen, Partner & Head of Sales and Marketing |
Asiakaspalvelu | |
BI ja raportointi | |
Tietohallinto |
Integraatiot | |
IoT | |
Käyttäjähallinta | |
Pilvipalvelut / SaaS | |
Tietoturva |
Hotelli, matkailu ja ravitsemus | |
IT | |
Julkishallinto | |
Kiinteistöala |
Amazon Web Services |
Tarjonnan tyyppi
Laitteet | |
Tuki- ja ylläpitotyö | |
Valmisohjelmisto |
Omat tagit
Haltian - Asiantuntijat ja yhteyshenkilöt
Janne Kilpeläinen
VP, Sales & Marketing
With strong international career, leading sales and marketing teams, Janne looks after Haltian’s revenue growth. Prior to Haltian, Janne worked over 20 years in product .. | | |
Haltian - Muita referenssejä
Haltian - Muita bloggauksia
It- ja ohjelmistoalan työpaikat
- Laura - Development Manager, Project and Portfolio Management
- Laura - Java-kehittäjä
- Laura - Systems Specialist, ajoneuvot
- IsoSkills Oy - Open application: Data Engineer, Finland
- Nordea - Sr IT Analyst - Adobe/SAS Marketing Automation
- Nordea - Senior IT / Business Analyst with technical background - Finland, Nordea Payments
- Nordea - Senior IT Analyst, Finnish language required
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