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Apply to our Summer Trainees to IT & Technology - roles by 29th of January 2023


We welcome you to spend your summer 2023 with the largest Nordic bank and the largest financial services group in Northern Europe! We are looking for Summer Trainees to different IT roles within Nordea Finland. 


At Nordea, we know our customers’ needs are changing – and we’re deeply committed to meeting them with the financial solutions of tomorrow. We’re creating an agile environment where we’re harnessing the power of technology – one where you can make an impact. So bring your skills, ideas and unique background. With us, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to grow and make your mark on something bigger. 


About this opportunity 


At Nordea IT & Technology, you will join an awesome group of people from across the world that delivers solutions to our customers to help them in improving their lives and reaching their goals. We offer hundreds of open tech roles, which make an impact on +10 million customers' daily life. Currently, we have more than 29,000 employees in six countries, all with a unique story. 

Application is open from 9th of January until 29th of January 2023.

What we offer:

  • Flexible working hours and possibility of hybrid work 
  • Encouraging company culture, read more for example about One Digital Oulu 
  • Professional development trainings and learning resources 
  • International work environment (English is our official working language) 
  • Subsidized lunch 
  • In-house fitness center (only at our Helsinki headquarters) 
  • Possibility to continue part-/fulltime after summer period 

Apply via this link: https://careers.nordea.com/job/Helsinki-Summer-Trainees-to-IT-&-Technology-2023-500/889981301/?feedId=335801&utm_source=CareerSite

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