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Senior Software Developer


RekryilmoitusWe at Pareto are looking for new colleagues to join our story.

Pareto is a rapidly growing software consulting company that was founded with a clear goal of focusing on what really matters. We started a couple months ago in August 2023 and now have 12 experienced professionals who have been around the block enough to know what it takes to be successful in the software industry. We are happy to announce we are looking to expand and invite you to join us and our client projects as a senior software professional.

As a Senior Software Developer you will..

  • Apply your existing knowledge to plan, solve, and implement our clients’ R&D and system challenges
  • Expand and improve your own skill set by working together with top talent of the industry
  • Work closely with our clients in numerous industries, like automation, intelligent devices, manufacturing, healthcare and many more
  • Work at all lifecycle phases of software projects
  • Participate in sales support and consultative projects for architectural and system design choices for clients

We are looking for..

  • A partner who really wants to be a part of Pareto and leave your mark in the software industry
  • Vast experience (10+ years) in software developing with a consultative mindset
  • Motivation and ability to solve clients’ problems and deliver value to clients at a fast pace
  • Your experience with different technologies you have used in the past may vary. It can also include a lot of everything, or very precisely something specific. Both approaches are totally cool, but we hope to see at least some of these buzzwords in your experience C++, Qt, C#, .NET, Java, Kotlin, React, Vue, Angular, TypeScript, Node.js, Azure, AWS, Kubernetes, Apache Kafka, Apache Spark

We offer you..

  • Some of our colleagues say that they haven't laughed as much in the past years as we do on a daily basis. It’s not enough to not feel bad when coming to work, it’s a core value to feel appreciated and happy to work at Pareto
  • An ambitious, supportive, positively challenging, and warm community
  • Tailor your compensation package, including salary, shares of the company, and benefits

If you are interested, please let us know recruitment@paretosoftware.fi


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