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Senior Software Developer


RekryilmoitusFastroi is a stable growth company currently expanding into international markets with our Real-Time Care™ product. This software is for the social and healthcare sectors and uses the latest technologies to improve our customer´s workflow, productivity and profitability.  

We strive to implement our software according to our company values.


Procedures and technologies 

We develop our products using current software development best practices. Real-Time Care™ includes both desktop and mobile applications implemented with JavaScript, Java, Spring, React and React Native. Our DevOps uses Jenkins, AWS, Docker, and various SQL languages.


We looking for:

  • at least 5 years of software development experience
  • knowledge of clean software architecture
  • Experience with using general programming languages including Java, JavaScript, SQL
  • Experience in pair programming and code reviews
  • Expertise in architectural and code reviews
  • Ability to take initiative and lead a work stream
  • Fluent English skills

Here’s what we can offer you:

  • Permanent full-time employment with good benefits 
  • A caring and active work community centrally located in Joensuu with offices also in Tampere and Vantaa
  • Flexible remote working agreement
  • A great opportunity to show and develop your skill set
  • Work with a global-growth company


Submit your application including your CV (English) on our recruitment page https://fastroi.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id=20 by 25 October 2020. Matt Belway can provide additional information on the position, +358 50 354 4213 or matt.belway@fastroi.com.

We share a spirit of collaboration that is built around caring and taking care of others. This gives us a firm basis for quality work and the way we operate as a company. At the end of the day, we’re all about people. 

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Hakuaika: 1.10.2020 - 25.10.2020
Sijainti: Joensuu, Tampere, Vantaa
We have offices in Joensuu, Tampere and Vantaa (remote work option).
Linkki: https://fastroi.com/en/recruitment/
Yhteydenotto: matt.belway@fastroi.com


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Toiminnanohjaus ERP




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software development

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