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Fullstack WordPress Developer


RekryilmoitusAt Pixels we have a business-oriented approach in solving our clients' challenges. We believe digital services should provide means for growth and offer new possibilities in creating competitive advantages. We design and develop custom-made online services to companies who are eager to pioneer and show what’s possible in their industry. We dare to challenge conventions and utilise our experience in discovering new ideas.

Our company is on a growth path to become a leading business & service design agency in Finland with a strong tech focus, and we're looking for eager and capable people to join our journey in challenging the industry, its conventions and bigger players in it. 

We primarily use WordPress as a CMS for our website projects, WooCommerce for online stores and our web applications are usually React or Node based. We have a number of headless WordPress projects using a Next.js based frontend, and are interested in closing the gap between traditional websites and applications. But there certainly will be a need to heavy-duty 'traditional' WordPress projects as well. Currently we're preparing the move over to Gutenberg (with ACF blocks), which we'd love your help with – if that's something you're into. Our projects also often involve integrations which tend to be PHP based.

Our developers usually work on projects in pairs, so you’ve always got someone to bounce ideas off and review code with. Our developers share and learn from each other and we encourage everyone to suggest and contribute to improvements in how we work. We believe high-quality, beautiful code is just as important as a beautiful design.


Salary range: 3000 – 5000 € / month depending on your skill level and responsibilities you're able to take on.

The position can be remote only, but you'll need to be living in Finland and able to commute to our office in Helsinki every now and then for meetings and team events (once covid19 clears). 



  • Programming our client and internal projects with the above mentioned technologies
  • Working together on projects with other developers and designers
  • Reviewing colleagues’ code and providing feedback
  • Contributing to the improvement of our internal tools, development processes and tech stack
  • Planning and sometimes overseeing the development portion of projects with a project manager
  • Completing tasks on time and according to specifications
  • Contributing to the team’s skill development through support, training and information sharing
  • Acting as a mentor to less experienced developers, if you're able

Who we are looking for

Skills, knowledge and experience

Don’t worry, you don’t need to tick every box below! ????

  • A few years of experience in web development
  • Worked on and completed multiple projects for real clients / in work life (not just hobby projects)
  • Experience working with other developers in a team
  • Languages: PHP (7+), JavaScript (ES6 / Node), SCSS
  • Technologies: WordPress, WooCommerce, React, Next.js, Express
  • Methodologies: Object-oriented programming (for PHP), unit testing (Jest, PHPUnit etc)
  • Version control with Git
  • Dependency management with yarn & composer


The following skills and knowledge are not necessary but are a bonus

  • Database knowledge (SQL)
  • Other programming languages (doesnt matter which., gives perspective)
  • Devops knowledge (pipelines, deployments, github actions etc)



Here are some of the things you’ll get to enjoy:

  • Join our journey of becoming a leading business & service design agency in Finland
  • The freedom to shape and develop your own role, impact how development is carried out at Pixels
  • Remote working and a relaxing office space in the center of Helsinki
  • No "developer trafficking", meaning you won't be shipped off to work at a clients' premises
  • A super friendly environment and colleagues who will grow to be your extended family (it's true!)
  • A training fund which allows you to keep learning and participate in events & seminars
  • Flexible work times
  • Healthcare through Heltti
  • Smartum culture & exercise benefits
  • Company lunches, trips and team-building events on a regular basis


Apply here: https://ats.talentadore.com/apply/fullstack-wordpress-developer/8VNBJ8

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Hakuaika: -
Sijainti: Helsinki
Linkki: https://ats.talentadore.com/apply/fullstack-wordpress-developer/8VNBJ8
Yhteydenotto: jobs@pixels.fi


Ilmoitus yrityksen kotisivuilla Yritysprofiilii Kaimana kotisivut








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