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Data Analyst


RekryilmoitusAGCO is hiring for Valtra

We are looking for a


to join our Sales and Marketing Team



You will support our sales team in pricing market intelligence by producing data analytics in e.g. building pricing models and supporting pricing strategy. You will provide information to sales team by assembling and summarizing data.

Key responsibilities are:

  • Monitors and analyzes price positioning vs against target competitors and sister brands in different markets on a regular basis
  • Proactively tracks discount utilization across brand, products, and markets, incl. initiating optimization activities together with neighboring expert teams
  • Creates dashboards to visualize trends and to govern internal guidelines
  • Supports in Valtra brand process harmonization activities
  • Supports in ad-hoc analyses for special projects


Our values are team work, openness, reliability, initiative and respect. We are looking for someone who can bring these values and live them with us.

Data is your passion and you want to understand data deeply and you know its possibilities. You have experience working with large databases and data analysis and blending. You know how to extract useful information from data and want to improve our pricing with accurate and useful information. You are able to utilize large databases and in addition to the Finnish language, you are used to using English in your work. You are independent, results driven, analytical and active, and you are able to find out when necessary.

WE OFFER you a great opportunity to work in a profitable, growing, international organization and to be a part of easy-going yet highly professional team. We are a respected workplace of future-oriented, skillful and motivated people. We take care of the well-being of our employees: flexibility in working hours and comprehensive occupational health services.

INTRESTED in joining the team?

Please submit your application and CV with salary expectation at the latest of Nov 22 via clicking the Apply button. We will be reviewing and possibly interviewing candidates before the application closing time.

For further information, please contact Marketing Service Manager Vesa Hämäläinen, vesa.hamalainen@agcocorp.com / 040 158 7289.



Valtra is the leading tractor brand in the Nordic countries and the third most popular in Latin America. Valtra tractors are individually built according to the customer’s requirements. They are renowned for their quality and reliability. Valtra is one of the key brands of the AGCO Corporation, the world’s third-largest designer, manufacturer and retailer of agricultural machinery.

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Hakuaika: 5.11.2020 - 22.11.2020
Sijainti: Äänekoski
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/agco/data-analyst/921314/


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