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Welding Innovation with AI – Brose & Top Data Science collaboration

ReferenssiBrose and Top Data Science started collaborating in 2019 to explore how Artificial Intelligence (AI) could be utilized in the automotive industry. Brose is a leading global automotive supplier for the biggest car manufacturers in the world with 25000 employees and 65 locations in 24 countries. Brose, headquarters in Coburg, is one of Germany’s most innovative companies.

Cooperation was initiated through an Open Innovation Contest organized by Brose. This is a great example of how corporations and startups can find mutually beneficial ways for cooperation. Brose has created an excellent platform to create new innovations and enable young companies to grow their business in partnership with a leading global player.

Top Data Science convinced us with their vast knowledge in AI computer vision and solution-oriented thinking and working.”, says Martin Fitzel, expert welding technology and Brose project leader. “Collaboration between corporations and startups is often difficult due to cultural differences. In Top Data Science we have found a partner who understands how global companies operate and what they need. They have demonstrated excellent execution and delivered results. For me, this was a perfect match – excellence in AI computer vision met with excellence in mechatronics.”, adds Tobias Leisgang, Director Innovation Management at Brose.

After successful MVP related to Weld Seam Inspection it was clear that AI has a lot of potential to add value to Brose Quality Control Process in terms of time savings when certain tasks can be automated. Brose also recognized Top Data Science prime work by giving company the Supplier Innovation Award in 2020.

We have always believed in open innovation, and especially in co-creation between corporations & startups where it’s fast and less risky to find, test and validate right solutions to business and technical problems.”, Timo Heikkinen, CEO and Co-Founder of Top Data Science comments.

At it’s best, it leads to new innovations and mutually beneficial customer-supplier relationships and partnerships. We are very happy about our collaboration with such an innovative and professional company as Brose. The collaboration has evolved and grown from the MVP to the scaling phase, and we are honored and very pleased to receive the Brose Supplier Innovation Award Europe for Weld Inspection AI.”, Timo concludes.

Currently Brose and Top Data Science are working together to further develop the Weld Seam Inspection solution to be deployed on multiple production sites in the future. “After the pilot in our plant Coburg, the solution will be rolled out step by step to all relevant locations in order to be able to realize the full benefit.”, comments Martin Fitzel. The close collaboration between AI experts and welding specialists has shown that innovative new ways can be introduced to improve current processes and working methods.

About Brose

The future of the automobile

Brose has been on the front lines helping to shape the future of the automobile for over a century. Brose products enhance vehicle comfort, safety and efficiency. Brose makes sure of this by investing nine percent of its revenue in research and development.

About 25,000 employees work for Brose at 65 locations in 24 countries and generated 6.2 billion euros turnover in 2019. Whether lightweight design, electronically commutated motors or door and seat systems: a wide range of patents underscores the innovative strength of our international, interdisciplinary teams.

More information, please visit: https://www.brose.com/


“Collaboration between corporations and startups is often difficult due to cultural differences. In Top Data Science we have found a partner who understands how global companies operate and what they need. They have demonstrated excellent execution and delivered results. For me, this was a perfect match – excellence in AI computer vision met with excellence in mechatronics.”

Tobias Leisgang, Director, Innovation Management

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Tilaaja: Brose Fahrzeugteile SE & Co. KG
Ajankohta: 2019 -


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Tekoäly (AI) ja koneoppiminen


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computer vision
software quality assurance

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