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Frends Launches Frends Academy and Certification


Frends launches "Frends Academy and Certification" to provide integrators with proficiency qualifications and certifications.

To help developers and integrators take their competency to the next level, Frends has developed six Learning Paths, plus a freemium Intro Learning Path (L0 Getting Started), open for everyone to take online at any time.

L0 Getting Started

L1 Frends Fundamentals

L2 Integration Development

L3 API Development

L4 Operations

L5 Architecture

L6 Specifications

"We involved senior integration developers and architects in developing the curriculum and program. The Frends Academy collects all the Frends platform's wisdom in one place. The main emphasis is to teach how and where the integration platform is used," says Ossi Galkin, Partner Development Manager at Frends.

Each learning path (L1-L6) includes online courses you can do at your own pace, certifications, and hosted trainings for those who want in-person trainings. Each of the Online Learning paths includes multiple courses, from tutorials for beginners to deep dives for integration architects. The hosted option is a more traditional training including lectures, assignments and hands-on-examples hosted by an experienced Frends Trainer. The Academy offers two main progression paths leading towards either Development or Specification qualification.

“We are happy that we are able to expand our service offering towards our global Frends customers and partners with the Frends Academy. The Frends Academy works in tandem with official documentation, tutorials, webinars, and podcasts by paving the pathway on how to get started with Frends and create and manage integrations. This autumn we are releasing three Online Learning Paths, Six hosted Learning paths and a certification. The rest of the Online Learning Paths are scheduled to be released already later this year and in 2023,” shares Timo Vesa, Head of Services at Frends.

Frends Academy has been a long-anticipated addition to the Frends community to formalize the skillset in integration development. Frends has been around the business and integration industry since 1988. Since then, hundreds of integration developers and consultants have worked with Frends.

“We cannot emphasize more how delighted our team is to launch the Academy and build an even stronger user community around Frends!" says Jukka Rautio, Managing Director and Head of Frends.

Get in touch: academy@frends.com

About Frends:

Frends iPaaS - is a European enterprise application integration platform as a service that enables customers to integrate applications in the compliant cloud, hybrid, and on-premises in one single user panel. Frends is a low-code iPaaS and utilises BPMN2.0 - Business Process Management and Notation standard. With Frends, you can develop, manage, and secure all API integrations and process automations within one powerful platform.

Frends platform was established in Finland in 1988 and has grown rapidly in the Nordic region's domestic markets and internationally, with customers in over 15 countries. Currently, Frends is owned and developed by HiQ (HiQ was established in 1995 and is since 2020 owned by Triton).

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