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Digital Identification Service For Foreigners

TarjouspyyntöHankintailmoitus: Väestörekisterikeskus / Population Register Centre

Tarjoukset 29.04.2019 klo 12.00 mennessä

The Population Register Centre "PRC" invites you to tender on the Digital Identification Service For Foreigners. The digital identification service for foreign users consist of the following components / products: 1. Validation / presumably a mobile application / SaaS or Managed Service; 2. Verification / ID-proofing / initial /registration/ SaaS or Managed Service; 3. IDP-platform / orchestration of the modules 2 and 3 / database for users who have been digitally identificated and are using application in their own mobile / SaaS or Managed Service. For the sake of simplicity PRC does not want offers for single components only. Suppliers may submit tenders or declare their candidacy as a group. Also it is possible to use subcontractors to make an offer. The final agreement is made by one single master contractor even if the tender is made by group. More accurate description of the procurement can be found on the annexes attached to this call for tender.


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