A flexible culture enabling wellbeing
The balance of work and leisure time ranks high on the employee value scale, often even at number one. Flexibility is one of the pillars of modern working life.
Finding the right balance between work and life is also part of good work-life skills: you need to give yourself time to recover so that your mind remains refreshed. People are at their best when they are in a good mood and rested. On the other hand, no one is solely responsible for their own recovery, and the employer's approach to flexibility plays a major role in well-being.
A flexible culture at Frends
At Frends, different arrangements regarding working hours, location and absences are commonplace. Employees are increasingly choosing to work shorter hours, and, in most cases, it is easy to organize. Studies, hobbies, busy family life, or an otherwise hectic lifestyle are typical reasons for a reduction in working hours.
"I have always felt that I and my abilities have been trusted and my wishes have been heard. Flexibility has also been an important factor for my family and me. My family life has been running smoothly, as I have been able to work flexible hours from different locations," says Elina.
Many people who are working reduced hours work 80% of the time, with one extra day off; others choose to work five days a week but keep the days slightly shorter. In addition, some students choose to continue working as hourly based after graduation as it allows them to travel when they wish, for example.
"For me, working a four-day week was already an important requirement from my future employer when I applied for a job. Here, this was well received and agreeing on working hours has gone smoothly," describes Pekka.
With the Covid-19 pandemic, remote working has also become the new norm in sectors other than just IT. At Frends, remote working has been part of our culture for a long time, and we have a history of all kinds of remote working adventures. Some people have been surfing in southern Europe, some have attended a band's world tour on the other side of the globe. Working from abroad is usually easy, especially in the EU.
When the part-time arrangements of some colleagues seemed to work well, I was encouraged to ask my supervisor about the possibility of a four-day working week. My supervisor gave me the green light and Frends seems to welcome flexible working arrangements, so it was easy to implement the change," says Kirsi.
Flexibility is also reflected, for example, in the timing of holidays. Some prefer to spend their summer holidays in the traditional holiday month of July, while others prefer to spend a longer period abroad in the winter. Some take holidays sprinkled here and there. Frendzies are making good use of the freedoms, and rightly so. A few days off sprinkled here and there will help you feel better and increase good moods.
Mental well-being is key
Mental well-being is key in a specialist job that requires concentration. Employer flexibility and attention to individual needs and wishes support well-being and keep job satisfaction levels high. We all have more important things in our lives than just work and different ways of keeping our minds sharp. You can and should still enjoy your work, but it's best when you have the right work-life balance.
"When I finish work on Thursday and set up the out-of-office message, it feels nice to have a long weekend in front of me. Over the three days, I can engage in my hobbies, do housework, run errands, and rest," says Kirsi.
Omat tagit
Frends iPaaS - Asiantuntijat ja yhteyshenkilöt
Frends iPaaS - Muita referenssejä
Frends iPaaS - Muita bloggauksia
It- ja ohjelmistoalan työpaikat
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- Laura - Tiedonhallinnan asiantuntijan toimi
- Efima Oyj - Senior Sales Manager
- Red & Blue Oy - WordPress-kehittäjä tuki- ja pienkehitystiimiin
- Laura - Senior Game Artist (Game Studio)
- Frends iPaaS - Senior Product Marketing Manager (SaaS)
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